Roles of bryophytes in Forest sustainability—positive or negative?

JM Glime - Sustainability, 2024 -
Bryophytes were traditionally ignored in most studies of forest ecosystem processes, or they
were included with litter or soil. In the last few decades we have begun to understand their …

Crossing the threshold: invasive grasses inhibit forest restoration on Hawaiian Islands

EM Rehm, C D'Antonio, S Yelenik - Ecological Applications, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Forest removal for livestock grazing is a striking example of human‐caused state change
leading to a stable, undesirable invasive grass system that is resistant to restoration efforts …

What follows fallow? Assessing revegetation patterns on abandoned sugarcane land in Hawaiʻi

DN Farrant, DA Roberts, CM D'Antonio… - Agriculture, Ecosystems & …, 2023 - Elsevier
Millions of hectares of agricultural land have been abandoned globally in recent decades,
presenting opportunities for secondary vegetation growth and restoration. While abandoned …

Core arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are predicted by their high abundance–occupancy relationship while host‐specific taxa are rare and geographically structured

KT Kajihara, CP Egan, SOI Swift, CB Wall… - New …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Habitat restoration may depend on the recovery of plant microbial symbionts such as
arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, but this requires a better understanding of the rules that …

Influence of native woody understory on invasive grasses and soil nitrogen dynamics under plantation and remnant montane tropical trees

CM D'Antonio, E Rehm, C Elgersma, SG Yelenik - Ecosystems, 2024 - Springer
While the influence of canopy trees on soils in natural and restored forest environments is
well studied, the influence of understory species is not. Here, we evaluate the effects of …

Delayed response of bryophytes to wind disturbance and salvage logging in hemiboreal mixed forests

K Palm-Hellenurm, T Tullus, F Vodde… - Forest Ecology and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Climate change accompanied by altered natural disturbance regimes threatens the
resilience of boreal and hemiboreal forests. Bryophytes, an important part of plant biomass …

Plant–plant interactions change during succession on nurse logs in a northern temperate rainforest

CL Woods, K Maleta, K Ortmann - Ecology and Evolution, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Plant–plant interactions change through succession from facilitative to competitive. At early
stages of succession, early‐colonizing plants can increase the survival and reproductive …

Trophic interactions and feedbacks maintain intact and degraded states of Hawaiian tropical forests

S Yelenik, E Rose, EH Paxton - Ecosphere, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Feedbacks within ecosystems can lead to internal reinforcement of the current state
providing ecosystem resilience. Often, multiple biotic interactions across trophic levels play a …

Three decades post‐reforestation has not led to the reassembly of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities associated with remnant primary forests

CB Wall, CP Egan, SIO Swift, NA Hynson - Molecular Ecology, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
The negative effects of deforestation can potentially be ameliorated through ecological
restoration. However, reforestation alone may not reassemble the same ecological …

Bryophyte ecosystem services: how bryophytes impact ecosystem processes and their use in urban systems

K Spangler - 2021 -
Bryophytes, which include mosses, liverworts, and hornworts, are non-vascular plants that
provide crucial ecosystem services in natural and urban systems. In natural systems, these …