Origins of scale invariance in growth processes

J Krug - Advances in Physics, 1997 - Taylor & Francis
This review describes recent progress in the understanding of the emergence of scale
invariance in far-from-equilibrium growth. The first section is devoted to 'solvable'needle …

An exactly soluble non-equilibrium system: the asymmetric simple exclusion process

B Derrida - Physics Reports, 1998 - Elsevier
A number of exact results have been obtained recently for the one-dimensional asymmetric
simple exclusion process, a model of particles which hop to their right at random times, on a …

[CARTE][B] Scaling limits of interacting particle systems

C Kipnis, C Landim - 2013 -
The idea of writing up a book on the hydrodynamic behavior of interacting particle systems
was born after a series of lectures Claude Kipnis gave at the University of Paris 7 in the …

[CARTE][B] Stochastic interacting systems: contact, voter and exclusion processes

TM Liggett - 2013 -
Interactive Particle Systems is a branch of Probability Theory with close connections to
Mathematical Physics and Mathematical Biology. In 1985, the author wrote a book (T …

Non-equilibrium steady states: fluctuations and large deviations of the density and of thecurrent

B Derrida - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and …, 2007 -
These lecture notes give a short review of methods such as the matrix ansatz, the additivity
principle or the macroscopic fluctuation theory, developed recently in the theory of non …

Nonequilibrium steady states of matrix-product form: a solver's guide

RA Blythe, MR Evans - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and …, 2007 -
We consider the general problem of determining the steady state of stochastic
nonequilibrium systems such as those that have been used to model (among other things) …

Exactly solvable models for many-body systems far from equilibrium

GM Schütz - Phase transitions and critical phenomena, 2001 - Elsevier
Many complex systems of interacting particles that one encounters in nature behave on a
phenomenological level in some random fashion. Therefore the theoretical treatment of …

Phase diagram of one-dimensional driven lattice gases with open boundaries

AB Kolomeisky, GM Schütz… - Journal of Physics A …, 1998 -
We consider the asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) with open boundaries and
other driven stochastic lattice gases of particles entering, hop** and leaving a one …

The uses of quantum field theory in diffusion-limited reactions

DC Mattis, ML Glasser - Reviews of Modern Physics, 1998 - APS
The techniques of quantum field theory on a lattice are used to examine the diffusion and
reaction processes of particles in a solid, such as vacancies or interstitials, or chemical …

Shock formation in an exclusion process with creation and annihilation

MR Evans, R Juhász, L Santen - Physical Review E, 2003 - APS
We investigate shock formation in an asymmetric exclusion process with creation and
annihilation of particles in the bulk. We show how the continuum mean-field equations can …