Authentication schemes and methods: A systematic literature review
Context There is a great variety of techniques for performing authentication, like the use of
text passwords or smart cards. Some techniques combine others into one, which is known …
text passwords or smart cards. Some techniques combine others into one, which is known …
Authentication schemes for smart mobile devices: Threat models, countermeasures, and open research issues
This paper presents a comprehensive investigation of authentication schemes for smart
mobile devices. We start by providing an overview of existing survey articles published in the …
mobile devices. We start by providing an overview of existing survey articles published in the …
Two birds with one stone: Two-factor authentication with security beyond conventional bound
As the most prevailing two-factor authentication mechanism, smart-card-based password
authentication has been a subject of intensive research in the past two decades, and …
authentication has been a subject of intensive research in the past two decades, and …
Measuring two-factor authentication schemes for real-time data access in industrial wireless sensor networks
Dozens of two-factor authentication schemes have been proposed to secure real-time data
access in industrial wireless sensor networks (WSNs). However, more often than not, the …
access in industrial wireless sensor networks (WSNs). However, more often than not, the …
Lightweight three-factor authentication and key agreement protocol for internet-integrated wireless sensor networks
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) will be integrated into the future Internet as one of the
components of the Internet of Things, and will become globally addressable by any entity …
components of the Internet of Things, and will become globally addressable by any entity …
“It's not actually that horrible” Exploring Adoption of Two-Factor Authentication at a University
Despite the additional protection it affords, two-factor authentication (2FA) adoption
reportedly remains low. To better understand 2FA adoption and its barriers, we observed the …
reportedly remains low. To better understand 2FA adoption and its barriers, we observed the …
Secure multifactor authenticated key agreement scheme for industrial IoT
The application of Internet of Things (IoT) has generally penetrated into people's life and
become popular in recent years. The IoT devices with different functions are integrated and …
become popular in recent years. The IoT devices with different functions are integrated and …
On the design of provably secure lightweight remote user authentication scheme for mobile cloud computing services
Secure and efficient lightweight user authentication protocol for mobile cloud computing
becomes a paramount concern due to the data sharing using Internet among the end users …
becomes a paramount concern due to the data sharing using Internet among the end users …
Understanding security failures of multi-factor authentication schemes for multi-server environments
Revealing the security flaws of existing cryptographic protocols is the key to understanding
how to achieve better security. Dozens of multi-factor authentication schemes for multi …
how to achieve better security. Dozens of multi-factor authentication schemes for multi …
On the challenges in designing identity-based privacy-preserving authentication schemes for mobile devices
Providing secure, efficient, and privacy-preserving user authentication in mobile networks is
a challenging problem due to the inherent mobility of users, variety of attack vectors, and …
a challenging problem due to the inherent mobility of users, variety of attack vectors, and …