Elements, Principles, and Critical Inquiry for Identity-Centered Designs of Online Environments

JL Dudek, R Heiser - International Journal of E-Learning & Distance …, 2017 - ijede.ca
Within higher education, we are in need of learning designs that facilitate and support
students in sharing, examining, and refining their own critical identities as learners and …

Corporate identity and social media: Existence and extension of the organization

L Devereux, TC Melewar, P Foroudi - International Studies of …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
The arrival of social media has created a multitude of ways the organization can develop
and disseminate its corporate identity. This study explores the relationship between social …

Alumni & tenured participants in MOOCs: Analysis of two years of MOOC discussion channel activity

M Nelimarkka, A Vihavainen - Proceedings of the Second (2015) ACM …, 2015 - dl.acm.org
This study investigates chat room data from a massive open online course (MOOC) that has
been organized several times since January 2012. What makes the organization unique is …

Why we need to examine multiple social network sites

A Lampinen - Communication and the Public, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
The hyper-concentration of research on mainstream social media sites like Facebook and
Twitter comes at the cost of lesser emphasis on, if not the exclusion of, other platforms and …

Discourse processing in technology-mediated environments

D Gergle - The routledge handbook of discourse processes, 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
How do we decide on the best technology or device for a given task or conversational goal?
What are the contexts and conditions under which certain technologies and technology use …

Affordances and Design Principles of The Political Left and Right

FA Epp, J Haapoja, M Nelimarkka - arxiv preprint arxiv:2411.02088, 2024 - arxiv.org
Like any form of technology, social media services embed values. To examine how societal
values may be present in these systems, we focus on exploring political ideology as a value …

The Impact of Social Media on Youth Fashion Consumption: Trends, Influencers, and Ethical Shifts

D Darshan, A Soni, A Godara… - … Journal of Law …, 2024 - research.e-greenation.org
This study explores the influence of social media on the fashion preferences and purchasing
behaviors of young consumers, with a focus on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and …

Mediated community from an intergroup perspective: A literature review

V Lehtinen, E Raita, M Wahlström, P Peltonen… - … Conference, INSCI 2015 …, 2015 - Springer
The ways people organize themselves as communities shift along with the digitalization of
social interaction. We review studies on mediated community to analyze which aspects of …

[PDF][PDF] Designing Virtual Team Cooperation for Educational Consultancy Projects

C Deinhofer, T Myrach, O Kamin, S Straus, W Bernhard - tewi.ch
We develop an educational course for ICT consultancy that heavily relies on virtual team
cooperation. As a theoretical basis, we have chosen the genre-based approach to describe …


T ZVINGOWANISEI - academia.edu
Due to constant technological advancements, there are rapid changes in the usage of
information and communication technologies (ICTs) in organizational communication. The …