Attachment theory: History, research, and practice

VA Fitton - Child and adolescent psychotherapy and …, 2013 -
John Bowlby revolutionized the view of mother-infant bonds and relationships when he
outlined attachment theory. This article reviews attachment theory and how history and …

Gender and cultural patterns of mothers' and fathers' attachment and links with children's self-competence, depression and loneliness in middle and late childhood

MCR De Minzi - Emerging Topics on Father Attachment, 2014 -
This study examined:(1) the independence of children's attachments to mother and father;(2)
the relationships between father and mother quality of attachment and children's social and …

Children's perception of parental empathy as a precursor of children's empathy in middle and late childhood

MC Richaud de Minzi - The Journal of psychology, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
This study examined: 1) the development of empathy in middle and late childhood,
according to gender; 2) children's perception of parents' empathy according to gender; and …

[HTML][HTML] Attachment style classification questionnaire for latency age: Psychometrics properties of Argentine sample

MC Richaud, B Mesurado, MP Minzi - International Journal of …, 2019 -
The purpose of this article was to perform a psychometric study of the Attachment Style
Classification Questionnaire (ASCQ) in Spanish language. This paper included three …

Engaging with parents in early years settings

D Jackson, M Needham - 2014 -
The book was written with the intention of assisting and informing those who have an
interest in engaging and working alongside parents and children in joint activities and dual …

Primary school pupils' life skills development the case for primary school pupils development in Uganda

J Bwayo - 2014 -
Life skills education was introduced as part of the thematic curriculum in Uganda between
2007 and 2012. An infusion approach to life skills is taken within that curriculum, whereby …

Relationship building, collaboration and flexible service delivery: The path to engagement of refugee families and communities in early childhood trauma recovery …

RG Signorelli, NS Gluckman, N Hassan, M Coello… - Children …, 2017 -
Service utilisation by refugee families may be affected by the mismatch between Western
individualistic service delivery approaches and the target communities' more collectivist …

[PDF][PDF] Empathy in children: theory and assessment

MCR De Minzi, VN Lemos, LB Oros - Psychology and neurobiology …, 2016 -
Empathy is the ability to perceive, share, and understand the emotional states of others, and
it is crucial to succeeding in society. This social and emotional competence underlies some …

The Fengsu-driven practice of sending infants to China: The experiences of Chinese immigrant mothers in New York

KR Wong - 2015 -
This dissertation explores Fujianese women's transnational parenting experiences.
Although transnational mothering is ubiquitous in an era of globalization, this study surfaces …

A place to'be': The role of supported playgroups in creating responsive, social spaces for parent and child wellbeing

D Jackson - 2009 -
Supported playgroups are a service model used widely in Australia to provide stimulating
early childhood environments for children and supportive environments for parents. The …