Geometric approach to Hamiltonian dynamics and statistical mechanics
This paper is a review of results which have been recently obtained by applying
mathematical concepts drawn, in particular, from differential geometry and topology, to the …
mathematical concepts drawn, in particular, from differential geometry and topology, to the …
[KNJIGA][B] An introduction to chaos in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics
JR Dorfman - 1999 -
This book is an introduction to the applications in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of
chaotic dynamics, and also to the use of techniques in statistical mechanics important for an …
chaotic dynamics, and also to the use of techniques in statistical mechanics important for an …
[KNJIGA][B] Geometry and topology in Hamiltonian dynamics and statistical mechanics
M Pettini - 2007 - Springer
Phase transitions are among the most impressive phenomena occurring in nature. They are
an example of emergent behavior, ie, of collective properties having no direct counterpart in …
an example of emergent behavior, ie, of collective properties having no direct counterpart in …
Finite thermal conductivity in 1D lattices
We discuss the thermal conductivity of a chain of coupled rotators, showing that it is the first
example of a 1D nonlinear lattice exhibiting normal transport properties in the absence of an …
example of a 1D nonlinear lattice exhibiting normal transport properties in the absence of an …
Breakdown of exponential sensitivity to initial conditions: Role of the range of interactions
Within a microcanonical scenario we numerically study an N-sized linear chain classical
inertial XY model including ferromagnetic couplings which decrease with distance as r− α …
inertial XY model including ferromagnetic couplings which decrease with distance as r− α …
Lyapunov instability and finite size effects in a system with long-range forces
We study the largest Lyapunov exponent λ and the finite size effects of a system of N fully
coupled classical particles, which shows a second order phase transition. Slightly below the …
coupled classical particles, which shows a second order phase transition. Slightly below the …
Geometry of dynamics, Lyapunov exponents, and phase transitions
The Hamiltonian dynamics of the classical planar Heisenberg model is numerically
investigated in two and three dimensions. In three dimensions peculiar behaviors are found …
investigated in two and three dimensions. In three dimensions peculiar behaviors are found …
Weak and strong chaos in Fermi–Pasta–Ulam models and beyond
We briefly review some of the most relevant results that our group obtained in the past, while
investigating the dynamics of the Fermi–Pasta–Ulam (FPU) models. The first result is the …
investigating the dynamics of the Fermi–Pasta–Ulam (FPU) models. The first result is the …
Thermalization slowing down in multidimensional Josephson junction networks
We characterize thermalization slowing down of Josephson junction networks in one, two,
and three spatial dimensions for systems with hundreds of sites by computing their entire …
and three spatial dimensions for systems with hundreds of sites by computing their entire …
Dynamical glass and ergodization times in classical josephson junction chains
Models of classical Josephson junction chains turn integrable in the limit of large energy
densities or small Josephson energies. Close to these limits the Josephson coupling …
densities or small Josephson energies. Close to these limits the Josephson coupling …