The impact of farm size on agricultural sustainability
Farm size plays a critical role in agricultural sustainability. This may have far-reaching
consequences for the economic and environmental performance of agricultural production …
consequences for the economic and environmental performance of agricultural production …
Measuring total factor productivity in agriculture: a bibliometric review
Purpose Total factor productivity (TFP) has become a prominent concept in agriculture
economics and policy over the last three decades. The main aim of this paper is to obtain a …
economics and policy over the last three decades. The main aim of this paper is to obtain a …
New perspectives on farm size and productivity
The farm size and productivity debate has been limited by the focus on land or labor
productivity, generally showing respective productivity advantages to smaller or larger sized …
productivity, generally showing respective productivity advantages to smaller or larger sized …
Eyes in the sky, boots on the ground: Assessing satellite‐and ground‐based approaches to crop yield measurement and analysis
Understanding the determinants of agricultural productivity requires accurate measurement
of crop output and yield. In smallholder production systems across low‐and middle‐income …
of crop output and yield. In smallholder production systems across low‐and middle‐income …
Yield effects of climate-smart agriculture aid investment in southern Malawi
Binding resource constraints in many low-and middle-income countries aggravate food
insecurity risk in the face of climate change. To help mitigate such risk and increase food …
insecurity risk in the face of climate change. To help mitigate such risk and increase food …
[HTML][HTML] A new spin on an old debate: Errors in farmer-reported production and their implications for inverse scale-Productivity relationship in Uganda
Based on a two-round household panel survey conducted in Eastern Uganda, this study
shows that the analysis of the inverse scale-productivity relationship (IR) is highly sensitive …
shows that the analysis of the inverse scale-productivity relationship (IR) is highly sensitive …
[HTML][HTML] Gender equality and sustainable development: A cross-country study on women's contribution to the adoption of the climate-smart agriculture in Sub-Saharan …
Women face severe gender-specific constraints and have minimal part in the farm decision-
making systems in sub-Saharan Africa. This leads to additional barriers in the adoption of …
making systems in sub-Saharan Africa. This leads to additional barriers in the adoption of …
The effect of investment, LFA and agri‐environmental subsidies on the components of total factor productivity: the case of Slovenian farms
The effect of subsidies on the performance of farms has received a great deal of attention in
the literature, although results are inconclusive. Furthermore, much of the related literature …
the literature, although results are inconclusive. Furthermore, much of the related literature …
A revisit of farm size and productivity: Empirical evidence from a wide range of farm sizes in Nigeria
The relationship between farm size and productivity has been studied extensively in the
agricultural and development economics literature. However, most of the documented …
agricultural and development economics literature. However, most of the documented …
[HTML][HTML] Farm size, risk aversion and overuse of fertilizer: The heterogeneity of large-scale and small-scale wheat farmers in Northern China
H Wu, H Hao, H Lei, Y Ge, H Shi, Y Song - Land, 2021 - mdpi.com
The excessive use of fertilizer has resulted in serious environmental degradation and a high
health cost in China. Understanding the reasons for the overuse of fertilizer is critical to the …
health cost in China. Understanding the reasons for the overuse of fertilizer is critical to the …