[HTML][HTML] Fluid–rock interactions and its implications on EOR: Critical analysis, experimental techniques and knowledge gaps
Abstract Characterization of fluid–rock interactions is essential for a broad range of
subsurface applications such as understanding fluid flow in porous medium and enhanced …
subsurface applications such as understanding fluid flow in porous medium and enhanced …
[HTML][HTML] A critical review of carbonate reservoir wettability modification during low salinity waterflooding
The nature of carbonate reservoirs promotes the adsorption of oil onto the rock surface
hence making oil recovery a challenge even with the interventions of varied chemical EOR …
hence making oil recovery a challenge even with the interventions of varied chemical EOR …
A critical review of enhanced oil recovery by imbibition: Theory and practice
Imbibition is very common, occurring in life, material, chemistry, and energy. It plays an
important role in enhanced oil recovery (EOR). The development of many reservoirs is …
important role in enhanced oil recovery (EOR). The development of many reservoirs is …
Comparative study of different enhanced oil recovery scenarios by silica nanoparticles: An approach to time-dependent wettability alteration in carbonates
Recently, nanoparticles (NPs) have been proven to be effective chemical agents for
enhanced oil recovery (EOR) purposes. Many studies implemented various Nano-EOR …
enhanced oil recovery (EOR) purposes. Many studies implemented various Nano-EOR …
CO2 storage in carbonate rocks: An experimental and geochemical modeling study
Carbon dioxide storage in geological formations is one of the mature strategies developed
for controlling global warming. This paper represents a comprehensive experimental and …
for controlling global warming. This paper represents a comprehensive experimental and …
A comprehensive experimental and simulation study of zeta potential at carbonate-brine interface for calcite and dolomite particles
Despite numerous investigations, there is still no consistent and comprehensive
understanding of the behavior of rock-brine interaction during low salinity waterflooding …
understanding of the behavior of rock-brine interaction during low salinity waterflooding …
Experimental and modeling study of enhanced oil recovery from carbonate reservoirs with smart water and surfactant injection
Many studies have been performed in the field of smart water injection and its combination
with chemical methods to improve oil recovery. However, there has been less previous …
with chemical methods to improve oil recovery. However, there has been less previous …
Exploring the geochemical mechanism for the saturated permeability change of remolded loess
P Xu, Q Zhang, H Qian, M Guo, F Yang - Engineering Geology, 2021 - Elsevier
Loess has been remolded as the foundation for various construction projects with a long
period of history. However, the operation of loess construction engineering is affected by the …
period of history. However, the operation of loess construction engineering is affected by the …
Understanding the effects of salinity on bitumen-calcite interactions
Recovery of heavy oil from carbonate oil ores is always a challenge by water-flooding
process which is highly dependent on the water chemistry. Herein, experimental tests (by …
process which is highly dependent on the water chemistry. Herein, experimental tests (by …
Abatement of scale precipitation in oilfields using green scale inhibitors
Scale formation in upstream oil operations may cause lower production rate, higher
operational costs and detrimental environmental impacts when hazardous chemical …
operational costs and detrimental environmental impacts when hazardous chemical …