[BOK][B] Finite-dimensional variational inequalities and complementarity problems
F Facchinei, JS Pang - 2003 - Springer
Complementary to Chapter 11, the present chapter is devoted to the study of solution
methods for VIs that are of the monotone type and also for NCPs of the P 0 type. We already …
methods for VIs that are of the monotone type and also for NCPs of the P 0 type. We already …
Tensor complementarity problems—part I: basic theory
Tensors (hypermatrices) are multidimensional analogs of matrices. The tensor
complementarity problem is a class of nonlinear complementarity problems with the involved …
complementarity problem is a class of nonlinear complementarity problems with the involved …
Exceptionally regular tensors and tensor complementarity problems
Y Wang, ZH Huang, XL Bai - Optimization Methods and Software, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Recently, many structured tensors are defined and their properties are discussed in the
literature. In this paper, we introduce a new class of structured tensors, called exceptionally …
literature. In this paper, we introduce a new class of structured tensors, called exceptionally …
Global uniqueness and solvability of tensor variational inequalities
In this paper, we consider a class of variational inequalities, where the involved function is
the sum of an arbitrary given vector and a homogeneous polynomial defined by a tensor; we …
the sum of an arbitrary given vector and a homogeneous polynomial defined by a tensor; we …
[BOK][B] Complementarity Problems and Variational Inequalities
G Isac - 2006 - Springer
We present in this chapter two classes of mathematical models, used in applied
mathematics. The first class comprises complementarity problems and the second class …
mathematics. The first class comprises complementarity problems and the second class …
Generalized tensor equations with leading structured tensors
Abstract Systems of tensor equations (TEs) have received much considerable attention in
the recent literature. In this paper, we consider a class of generalized tensor equations …
the recent literature. In this paper, we consider a class of generalized tensor equations …
[PDF][PDF] Exceptional family of elements and the solvability of variational inequalities for unbounded sets in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces
G Isac, YB Zhao - Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2000 - core.ac.uk
It is well known that the theory of ariational inequalities is now very well developed. The
development of this theory has been stimulated by the diversity of applications in physics …
development of this theory has been stimulated by the diversity of applications in physics …
[BOK][B] Scalar and asymptotic scalar derivatives: theory and applications
G Isac, SZ Németh - 2008 - books.google.com
This book is devoted to the study of scalar and asymptotic scalar derivatives and their
applications to the study of some problems considered in nonlinear analysis, in geometry …
applications to the study of some problems considered in nonlinear analysis, in geometry …
Solvability of variational inequality problems
J Han, ZH Huang, SC Fang - Journal of Optimization Theory and …, 2004 - Springer
This paper presents the new concept of exceptional family of elements for the variational
inequality problem with a continuous function over a general unbounded closed convex set …
inequality problem with a continuous function over a general unbounded closed convex set …
Quasi-P*-maps, P (τ, α, β)-maps, exceptional family of elements, and complementarity problems
YB Zhao, G Isac - Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2000 - Springer
Quasi-P*-maps and P (τ, α, β)-maps defined in this paper are two large classes of nonlinear
map**s which are broad enough to include P*-maps as special cases. It is of interest that …
map**s which are broad enough to include P*-maps as special cases. It is of interest that …