On the 6d origin of non-invertible symmetries in 4d
V Bashmakov, M Del Zotto, A Hasan - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023 - Springer
A bstract It is well-known that six-dimensional superconformal field theories can be exploited
to unravel interesting features of lower-dimensional theories obtained via compactifications …
to unravel interesting features of lower-dimensional theories obtained via compactifications …
SymTFTs and duality defects from 6d SCFTs on 4-manifolds
A bstract In this work we study particular TQFTs in three dimensions, known as Symmetry
Topological Field Theories (or SymTFTs), to identify line defects of two-dimensional CFTs …
Topological Field Theories (or SymTFTs), to identify line defects of two-dimensional CFTs …
6D SCFTs, center-flavor symmetries, and Stiefel-Whitney compactifications
The center-flavor symmetry of a gauge theory specifies the global form of consistent gauge
and flavor bundle background field configurations. For 6D gauge theories which arise from a …
and flavor bundle background field configurations. For 6D gauge theories which arise from a …
Probing bad theories with the dualization algorithm. Part II.
A bstract We continue our analysis of bad theories initiated in [1], focusing on quiver theories
with bad unitary and special unitary gauge groups in three dimensions. By extending the …
with bad unitary and special unitary gauge groups in three dimensions. By extending the …
Higgs branch, Coulomb branch, and Hall-Littlewood index
The Higgs branch of 4D N= 2 superconformal field theories can be analyzed via the Hilbert
series of the Higgs branch or, in special cases, by computing the Hall-Littlewood index. For …
series of the Higgs branch or, in special cases, by computing the Hall-Littlewood index. For …
S-confining gauge theories and supersymmetry enhancements
A bstract We propose new classes of 4d\(\mathcal {N}\)= 1 S-confining gauge theories, with
a simple gauge group, rank-two matter and cubic superpotentials. The gauge group can be …
a simple gauge group, rank-two matter and cubic superpotentials. The gauge group can be …
Two 6D origins of 4D SCFTs: Class and 6D (1, 0) on a torus
We consider all 4D N= 2 theories of class S arising from the compactification of exceptional
6D (2, 0) SCFTs on a three-punctured sphere with a simple puncture. We find that each of …
6D (2, 0) SCFTs on a three-punctured sphere with a simple puncture. We find that each of …
5d to 3d compactifications and discrete anomalies
A bstract Much insight into the dynamics of quantum field theories can be gained by studying
the relationship between field theories in different dimensions. An interesting observation is …
the relationship between field theories in different dimensions. An interesting observation is …
The SL (2, ℤ) dualization algorithm at work
A bstract Recently an algorithm to dualize a theory into its mirror dual has been proposed,
both for 3d\(\mathcal {N}\)= 4 linear quivers and for their 4d\(\mathcal {N}\)= 1 uplift. This …
both for 3d\(\mathcal {N}\)= 4 linear quivers and for their 4d\(\mathcal {N}\)= 1 uplift. This …
Rethinking mirror symmetry as a local duality on fields
Rethinking mirror symmetry as a local duality on fields Page 1 Rethinking mirror symmetry as a
local duality on fields Chiung Hwang ,1,2,* Sara Pasquetti ,3,4,† and Matteo Sacchi 3,4,5,‡ …
local duality on fields Chiung Hwang ,1,2,* Sara Pasquetti ,3,4,† and Matteo Sacchi 3,4,5,‡ …