Irreversible entropy production: From classical to quantum

GT Landi, M Paternostro - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2021 - APS
Entropy production is a key quantity in any finite-time thermodynamic process. It is intimately
tied with the fundamental laws of thermodynamics, embodying a tool to extend …

Introduction to quantum thermodynamics: History and prospects

R Alicki, R Kosloff - … in the Quantum Regime: Fundamental Aspects and …, 2019 - Springer
Quantum Thermodynamics is a continuous dialogue between two independent theories:
Thermodynamics and Quantum Mechanics. Whenever the two theories have addressed the …

Strong coupling thermodynamics of open quantum systems

Á Rivas - Physical review letters, 2020 - APS
A general thermodynamic framework is presented for open quantum systems in fixed contact
with a thermal reservoir. The first and second law are obtained for arbitrary system-reservoir …

Local temperatures out of equilibrium

D Zhang, X Zheng, M Di Ventra - Physics Reports, 2019 - Elsevier
The temperature of a physical system is operationally defined in physics as “that quantity
which is measured by a thermometer” weakly coupled to, and at equilibrium with the system …

Non-Markovianity and negative entropy production rates

P Strasberg, M Esposito - Physical Review E, 2019 - APS
Entropy production plays a fundamental role in nonequilibrium thermodynamics to quantify
the irreversibility of open systems. Its positivity can be ensured for a wide class of setups, but …

Time-dependent Markovian quantum master equation

R Dann, A Levy, R Kosloff - Physical Review A, 2018 - APS
We construct a quantum Markovian master equation for a driven system coupled to a
thermal bath. The derivation utilizes an explicit solution of the propagator of the driven …

Thermodynamics of non-Markovian reservoirs and heat engines

G Thomas, N Siddharth, S Banerjee, S Ghosh - Physical Review E, 2018 - APS
We show that non-Markovian effects of the reservoirs can be used as a resource to extract
work from an Otto cycle. The state transformation under non-Markovian dynamics is …

Open-system approach to nonequilibrium quantum thermodynamics at arbitrary coupling

A Colla, HP Breuer - Physical Review A, 2022 - APS
We develop a general theory describing the thermodynamical behavior of open quantum
systems coupled to thermal baths beyond perturbation theory. Our approach is based on the …

System-environment correlations and Markovian embedding of quantum non-Markovian dynamics

S Campbell, F Ciccarello, GM Palma, B Vacchini - Physical Review A, 2018 - APS
We study the dynamics of a quantum system whose interaction with an environment is
described by a collision model, ie, the open dynamics is modeled through sequences of …

Repeated interactions and quantum stochastic thermodynamics at strong coupling

P Strasberg - Physical review letters, 2019 - APS
The thermodynamic framework of repeated interactions is generalized to an arbitrary open
quantum system in contact with a heat bath. Based on these findings, the theory is then …