[PDF][PDF] the fourth industrial revolution „industry 4.0

A Stăncioiu - Fiabilitate Şi Durabilitate, 2017 - utgjiu.ro
The many observers estimate that in the world is at the beginning of a new industrial
revolution, which it is considered the fourth revolution and it is called" Industry 4.0". The …

Lean production in the era of Industry 4.0

K Singh - … Engineering and Technologies Group-Working Paper …, 2017 - papers.ssrn.com
Lean production is highly appreciated in the manufacturing world. Which directly helps to
integrate human and machines. Sustainable approach, making continues improvement …

Using Local Large Language Models to Simplify Requirement Engineering Documents in the Automotive Industry

V Momodu - … Engineering and Technologies Group-Working Paper …, 2023 - papers.ssrn.com
The purpose of this study is to look at how massive language models can be used to simplify
requirement engineering papers for an automotive supplier. The study provides an …

[PDF][PDF] Kee** Pace with Industry 4.0 and Step** into Automation–How Industry 4.0 Benefits and Fails Companies

PH Wang - Available at SSRN 4794414, 2024 - papers.ssrn.com
Industrial revolution has been characterized by the accumulation of vast knowledge,
occasions, and discoveries that have changed the makeup of cities, the composition of their …

Significance of UK Circular Economy in Reducing Waste in the Industrial Sector-A Systematic Literature Review

M Orazmyradov - … and Technologies Group-Working Paper Series, 2023 - papers.ssrn.com
Background: The circular economy is an economic system that aims to minimize waste and
promote the efficient use of resources by kee** materials in use for as long as possible …

Economic Impact of Covid 19-A System Dynamics Model

KH Chen - … Engineering and Technologies Group-Working Paper …, 2023 - papers.ssrn.com
The main goal of the study was to examine the economic impact of COVID-19. Four
objectives were formulated based on the research questions. This gave a leeway for …

E-finance innovations through social activities: the case of Lithuanian banking services

G Railiene - International Journal of Business Excellence, 2015 - inderscienceonline.com
Changes in e-finance are numerous in spite of overall contraction of monetary flows in the
Lithuanian economy. More attention is paid to provide traditional banking services in novel …

The Global Shift in Fast Fashion Industry and Its Implication in Supply Chain Management

Z Zhou - Available at SSRN 3067251, 2017 - papers.ssrn.com
This research question of this paper is to interpret some root causes of a global shift in fast
fashion industry and to provide a specific view of its implications in supply chain …

Modelling a Cocoa Supply Chain: Specific Problems and Their Countermeasures

N Singh Thakran - Available at SSRN 3068741, 2017 - papers.ssrn.com
In recent years, there has been a steady decline in the quality of the cocoa beans that is
imported to the Northern Hemisphere from various parts of the world. With increasing world …

An Analysis of Prominent Industry 4.0 Technologies in Germany

B Mudahigwa - … and Technologies Group-Working Paper Series, 2017 - papers.ssrn.com
Following the increasing discourse among scholars and manufacturers on industry 4.0,
there has been a growing curiosity to realize its potential. This paper aims at identifying the …