[Књига][B] Introduction to random graphs
A Frieze, M Karoński - 2015 - books.google.com
From social networks such as Facebook, the World Wide Web and the Internet, to the
complex interactions between proteins in the cells of our bodies, we constantly face the …
complex interactions between proteins in the cells of our bodies, we constantly face the …
Moment-based estimation of stochastic kronecker graph parameters
Stochastic Kronecker graphs supply a parsimonious model for large sparse real-world
graphs. They can specify the distribution of a large random graph using only three or four …
graphs. They can specify the distribution of a large random graph using only three or four …
Analysis and Approximate Inference of Large Random Kronecker Graphs
Random graph models are playing an increasingly important role in various fields ranging
from social networks, telecommunication systems, to physiologic and biological networks …
from social networks, telecommunication systems, to physiologic and biological networks …
Properties of stochastic Kronecker graphs
The stochastic Kronecker graph model introduced by Leskovec et al. is a random graph with
vertex set $\mathbb Z_2^ n $, where two vertices $ u $ and $ v $ are connected with …
vertex set $\mathbb Z_2^ n $, where two vertices $ u $ and $ v $ are connected with …
Connectivity and giant component of stochastic Kronecker graphs
M Radcliffe, SJ Young - arxiv preprint arxiv:1310.7652, 2013 - arxiv.org
Stochastic Kronecker graphs are a model for complex networks where each edge is present
independently according the Kronecker (tensor) product of a fixed matrix k-by-k matrix P with …
independently according the Kronecker (tensor) product of a fixed matrix k-by-k matrix P with …
[HTML][HTML] The spectra of multiplicative attribute graphs
M Radcliffe, SJ Young - Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2014 - Elsevier
A multiplicative attribute graph is a random graph in which vertices are represented by
random words of length t in a finite alphabet Γ, and the probability of adjacency is a …
random words of length t in a finite alphabet Γ, and the probability of adjacency is a …
[PDF][PDF] On the phase transition property of one random graph model
A Li, J Wang, H Zhang - Filomat, 2024 - pmf.ni.ac.rs
In this paper, we introduce one model named random connection model RG (n, α, β) defined
as follows: the vertex set is Zn 2, and two vertices u, v∈ Zn 2 are adjacent with probability …
as follows: the vertex set is Zn 2, and two vertices u, v∈ Zn 2 are adjacent with probability …
[HTML][HTML] On the diameter of Kronecker graphs
J Banaszak, T Łuczak - Discrete Mathematics, 2018 - Elsevier
We prove that aas as soon as a Kronecker graph becomes connected it has a finite
[PDF][PDF] On matchings in stochastic Kronecker graphs
J Banaszak - The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2016 - emis.de
On matchings in stochastic Kronecker graphs Page 1 On matchings in stochastic Kronecker
graphs Justyna Banaszak ∗ Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Adam Mickiewicz …
graphs Justyna Banaszak ∗ Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Adam Mickiewicz …
[PDF][PDF] On the structure of Kronecker graphs
J Banaszak - 2019 - repozytorium.amu.edu.pl
In the thesis we study the asymptotic structure of Kronecker graphs. Kronecker graphs were
introduced in computer science as possible models of small-world networks and have been …
introduced in computer science as possible models of small-world networks and have been …