[Књига][B] Introduction to random graphs

A Frieze, M Karoński - 2015 - books.google.com
From social networks such as Facebook, the World Wide Web and the Internet, to the
complex interactions between proteins in the cells of our bodies, we constantly face the …

Moment-based estimation of stochastic kronecker graph parameters

DF Gleich, AB Owen - Internet Mathematics, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
Stochastic Kronecker graphs supply a parsimonious model for large sparse real-world
graphs. They can specify the distribution of a large random graph using only three or four …

Analysis and Approximate Inference of Large Random Kronecker Graphs

Z Liao, Y **a, C Niu, Y **ao - arxiv preprint arxiv:2306.08489, 2023 - arxiv.org
Random graph models are playing an increasingly important role in various fields ranging
from social networks, telecommunication systems, to physiologic and biological networks …

Properties of stochastic Kronecker graphs

M Kang, M Karoński, C Koch, T Makai - arxiv preprint arxiv:1410.6328, 2014 - arxiv.org
The stochastic Kronecker graph model introduced by Leskovec et al. is a random graph with
vertex set $\mathbb Z_2^ n $, where two vertices $ u $ and $ v $ are connected with …

Connectivity and giant component of stochastic Kronecker graphs

M Radcliffe, SJ Young - arxiv preprint arxiv:1310.7652, 2013 - arxiv.org
Stochastic Kronecker graphs are a model for complex networks where each edge is present
independently according the Kronecker (tensor) product of a fixed matrix k-by-k matrix P with …

[HTML][HTML] The spectra of multiplicative attribute graphs

M Radcliffe, SJ Young - Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2014 - Elsevier
A multiplicative attribute graph is a random graph in which vertices are represented by
random words of length t in a finite alphabet Γ, and the probability of adjacency is a …

[PDF][PDF] On the phase transition property of one random graph model

A Li, J Wang, H Zhang - Filomat, 2024 - pmf.ni.ac.rs
In this paper, we introduce one model named random connection model RG (n, α, β) defined
as follows: the vertex set is Zn 2, and two vertices u, v∈ Zn 2 are adjacent with probability …

[HTML][HTML] On the diameter of Kronecker graphs

J Banaszak, T Łuczak - Discrete Mathematics, 2018 - Elsevier
We prove that aas as soon as a Kronecker graph becomes connected it has a finite

[PDF][PDF] On matchings in stochastic Kronecker graphs

J Banaszak - The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2016 - emis.de
On matchings in stochastic Kronecker graphs Page 1 On matchings in stochastic Kronecker
graphs Justyna Banaszak ∗ Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Adam Mickiewicz …

[PDF][PDF] On the structure of Kronecker graphs

J Banaszak - 2019 - repozytorium.amu.edu.pl
In the thesis we study the asymptotic structure of Kronecker graphs. Kronecker graphs were
introduced in computer science as possible models of small-world networks and have been …