[CARTE][B] A review of the population and conservation status of British mammals
A report by the Mammal Society under contract to Natural England, Natural Resources
Wales and Scottish Natural Heritage. We present the first comprehensive review of the …
Wales and Scottish Natural Heritage. We present the first comprehensive review of the …
Limitations of acoustic monitoring at wind turbines to evaluate fatality risk of bats
Wind turbines (WTs) frequently kill bats worldwide. During environmental impact
assessments, consultant ecologists often use automated ultrasonic detectors (AUDs) to …
assessments, consultant ecologists often use automated ultrasonic detectors (AUDs) to …
Tracking the conservation promise of movement ecology
From butterflies to elephants, the rapidly develo** science of movement ecology is
providing increasingly detailed spatio-temporal data on a wide array of mobile animals …
providing increasingly detailed spatio-temporal data on a wide array of mobile animals …
Insectivorous bats form mobile sensory networks to optimize prey localization: The case of the common noctule bat
Animals that depend on ephemeral, patchily distributed prey often use public information to
locate resource patches. The use of public information can lead to the aggregation of …
locate resource patches. The use of public information can lead to the aggregation of …
Activity of forest specialist bats decreases towards wind turbines at forest sites
JS Ellerbrok, A Delius, F Peter… - Journal of Applied …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Worldwide, wind turbines are increasingly being built at forest sites to meet the goals of
national climate strategies. Yet, the impact on biodiversity is barely understood. Bats may be …
national climate strategies. Yet, the impact on biodiversity is barely understood. Bats may be …
[HTML][HTML] The presence of wind turbines repels bats in boreal forests
Impacts of wind power on bats are usually evidenced by the recorded fatalities, while other
impacts are not well understood or considered during project planning. However, wind …
impacts are not well understood or considered during project planning. However, wind …
Wind energy development can lead to guild‐specific habitat loss in boreal forest bats
RA McKay, SE Johns, R Bischof, F Matthews… - Wildlife …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Forest management rarely considers protecting bats in Fennoscandian regions although all
species rely on forest habitat at some point in their annual cycle. This issue is especially …
species rely on forest habitat at some point in their annual cycle. This issue is especially …
Toward solving the global green–green dilemma between wind energy production and bat conservation
Wind energy production is growing rapidly worldwide in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. However, wind energy production is not environmentally neutral. Negative …
emissions. However, wind energy production is not environmentally neutral. Negative …
[HTML][HTML] Coastal onshore wind turbines lead to habitat loss for bats in Northern Germany
C Reusch, M Lozar, S Kramer-Schadt… - Journal of Environmental …, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstracts Wind energy production is particularly rewarding along coastlines, yet coastlines
are often important as migratory corridors for wildlife. This creates a conflict between energy …
are often important as migratory corridors for wildlife. This creates a conflict between energy …
Peaks in bat activity at turbines and the implications for mitigating the impact of wind energy developments on bats
Wind turbines are a relatively new threat to bats, causing mortalities worldwide. Reducing
these fatalities is essential to ensure that the global increase in wind-energy facilities can …
these fatalities is essential to ensure that the global increase in wind-energy facilities can …