Silicon nanowires synthesis by metal-assisted chemical etching: A review
Silicon is the undisputed leader for microelectronics among all the industrial materials and
Si nanostructures flourish as natural candidates for tomorrow's technologies due to the rising …
Si nanostructures flourish as natural candidates for tomorrow's technologies due to the rising …
Structuring of Si into multiple scales by metal‐assisted chemical etching
RP Srivastava, DY Khang - Advanced Materials, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Structuring Si, ranging from nanoscale to macroscale feature dimensions, is essential for
many applications. Metal‐assisted chemical etching (MaCE) has been developed as a …
many applications. Metal‐assisted chemical etching (MaCE) has been developed as a …
Introductory lecture: origins and applications of efficient visible photoluminescence from silicon-based nanostructures
L Canham - Faraday Discussions, 2020 - pubs.rsc.org
A variety of silicon-based nanostructures with dimensions in the 1–5 nm range now emit
tunable photoluminescence (PL) spanning the visible range. Achievement of high …
tunable photoluminescence (PL) spanning the visible range. Achievement of high …
Ultrasensitive label-and PCR-free genome detection based on cooperative hybridization of silicon nanowires optical biosensors
The realization of an innovative label-and PCR-free silicon nanowires (NWs) optical
biosensor for direct genome detection is demonstrated. The system is based on the …
biosensor for direct genome detection is demonstrated. The system is based on the …
New generation of ultrasensitive label-free optical Si nanowire-based biosensors
We demonstrate the realization of the first label-free optical biosensor based on the room
temperature luminescence of silicon nanowires (NWs) tested for the selective detection of C …
temperature luminescence of silicon nanowires (NWs) tested for the selective detection of C …
Fractal silver dendrites as 3D SERS platform for highly sensitive detection of biomolecules in hydration conditions
In this paper, we report on the realization of a highly sensitive and low cost 3D surface-
enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) platform. The structural features of the Ag dendrite …
enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) platform. The structural features of the Ag dendrite …
Silicon nanowire luminescent sensor for cardiovascular risk in saliva
Cardiovascular diseases are some of the today major cause of death in the world. C-reactive
protein (CRP) is well known as the main biomarker related to cardiovascular risk and heart …
protein (CRP) is well known as the main biomarker related to cardiovascular risk and heart …
Low cost synthesis of silicon nanowires for photonic applications
Achieving light management in nanostructured materials is a recent challenge of great
resonance among the scientific community, which is generally attained by expensive surface …
resonance among the scientific community, which is generally attained by expensive surface …
Metal-Assisted Etching of n-Type and p-Type Silicon Using Patterned Platinum Films: Spatial Distribution of Mesoporous Layer and Open Circuit Potential of Silicon
A Matsumoto, R Nishinaka, Y Shimada… - Journal of The …, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
Platinum (Pt) is one of the interesting catalysts in metal-assisted etching (metal-assisted
chemical etching) of silicon (Si). The Pt-assisted etching induces not only the dissolution of …
chemical etching) of silicon (Si). The Pt-assisted etching induces not only the dissolution of …
Resist-free direct stamp imprinting of GaAs via metal-assisted chemical etching
We introduce a method for the direct imprinting of GaAs substrates using wet-chemical
stam**. The predefined patterns on the stamps etch the GaAs substrates via metal …
stam**. The predefined patterns on the stamps etch the GaAs substrates via metal …