Considering moral foundations theory and the model of intuitive morality and exemplars in the context of child and adolescent development

DP Cingel, M Krcmar - Annals of the International …, 2020 -
Theorizing posits that moral judgment and reasoning stem from intuitions from at least one of
six cognitive moral modules. Research has examined how media exposure influences …

The character engagement and moral adjustment model (CEMAM): a synthesis of more than six decades of research

M Grizzard, A Eden - Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Character liking, identification, and parasocial interaction/relationships are terms used in
various literatures to describe character engagement. The current paper synthesizes more …

A model of intuitive morality and exemplars

R Tamborini - Media and the moral mind, 2012 -
Understanding the relationship between media and morality has been a central goal for
media scholars, but this work has been limited by conceptions of morality that cannot explain …

Morality predicts enjoyment but not appreciation of morally ambiguous characters

A Eden, S Daalmans, BK Johnson - Media Psychology, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Understanding the role of morally ambiguous characters such as anti-heroes in
entertainment experiences has become a central concern for media researchers. Some …

What makes characters' bad behaviors acceptable? The effects of character motivation and outcome on perceptions, character liking, and moral disengagement

KM Krakowiak, M Tsay-Vogel - Mass Communication and Society, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Many characters in entertainment content behave in morally questionable ways at least
some of the time. However, the negative effects of those behaviors on individuals' judgments …

Extracting latent moral information from text narratives: Relevance, challenges, and solutions

R Weber, JM Mangus, R Huskey, FR Hopp… - Computational …, 2021 -
Moral Foundations Theory (MFT) and the Model of Intuitive Morality and Exemplars (MIME)
contend that moral judgments are built on a universal set of basic moral intuitions. A large …

Sensing heroes and villains: Character-schema and the disposition formation process

M Grizzard, J Huang, K Fitzgerald… - Communication …, 2018 -
Character morality is an integral variable within disposition theories. Zillmann proposed that
moral judgments of characters result from a viewer monitoring and approving/disapproving …

A comprehensive experimental test of the affective disposition theory of drama

M Grizzard, CJ Francemone, R Frazer… - Journal of …, 2023 -
Using a three-act written narrative, a preregistered 2 (Act 1 Moral/Immoral Character
Behavior)× 2 (Act 3 Moral/Immoral Character Behavior)× 2 (Positive/Negative Narrative …

Repeated exposure to narrative entertainment and the salience of moral intuitions

A Eden, R Tamborini, M Grizzard, R Lewis… - Journal of …, 2014 -
Abstract R. Tamborini (2011, 2012) recently proposed the model of intuitive morality and
exemplars (MIME), which combines theoretical developments in moral psychology with …

Using attribution theory to explain the affective dispositions of tireless moral monitors toward narrative characters

R Tamborini, C Grall, S Prabhu, M Hofer… - Journal of …, 2018 -
Recent literature suggests that affective disposition theory (ADT) has difficulty explaining the
appeal of protagonists that sometimes do bad things. We addressed this issue by integrating …