Directionality in cross-categorial derivations

L Grestenberger, I Kastner - Glossa: a journal of general …, 2022 -
Recent research in linguistics has seen renewed interest in the study of cross-categorial or
category-changing derivation, by which we mean the derivation of denominal verbs …

[PDF][PDF] Some Notes on Indonesian Word Formation: A Study Based on the Derivational Morphology Approach

DS Nugraha - South Asian Research Journal of Humanities …, 2024 -
This study aimed to provide an in-depth analysis of the complex process of word formation in
the Indonesian language using the principles of derivational morphology. The study …

[PDF][PDF] Prefixes in Czech zero-derived nominalizations and verbs

P Caha, M Ziková - Nominalizations and Participles in Czech and …, 2022 -
This article investigates the relationship between prefixed verbs and related zero
nominalizations in Czech. Specifically, we focus on the fact that the prefix in zero-derived …

Through Derivational Relations to Valency of Nonverbal Predicates in the Nomvallex Lexicon

V Kolářová, V Kettnerová, J Mírovský - Jazykovedny Casopis, 2023 -
NomVallex is a manually annotated valency lexicon of Czech nouns and adjectives that
enables a comparison of valency properties of derivationally related lexical units. We …

[PDF][PDF] Semantics of noun/verb conversion in Czech: Lessons learned from corpus data annotation

M Ševčíková, H Hledíková, L Kyjánek… - SKASE Journal of …, 2023 -
The paper contributes to the study of conversion in Czech, which in the literature on Czech is
rarely understood as an independent word-formation process and therefore not much …

Bezpříponová substantiva a vyjadřování vidového protikladu u příbuzných sloves

M Ševčíková - Slovo a slovesnost, 2021 -
The present study deals with suffixless nouns in Czech. Two data samples are analysed to
demonstrate that suffixless nouns with an action meaning mostly correspond to a pair of …

Conversion in English and Czech: A corpus study of semantic relations between nouns and verbs

H Hledíková - 2022 -
The aim of this MA thesis is to carry out a corpus-based contrastive study of the semantic
relations between verbs and nouns in conversion pairs in English and Czech. Pairs of verbs …

Directionality in affixation: the applicability of Marchand's (1964) semantic criteria

AE Ruz, B Cetnarowska - 2023 -
This paper presents a study of directionality in word-class changing affixation. Specifically, it
addresses the various semantic criteria proposed in Marchand (1964) for directionality in …

Action meanings in noun/verb conversion: Native and foreign word-formation in Czech

M Ševčíková - Linguistica Pragensia, 2022 -
The study deals with Czech conversion pairs of a noun and a verb, both of which denote
actions (test 'test. n'—testovat 'to test'). Elaborating on previous research on prototypical verb …

Priedēkļi lietvārdu vārddarināšanas modeļos un atvasinājumu semantika

D Deksne - Valoda: nozīme un forma| Language: Meaning and …, 2024 -
Atvasinot lietvārdus, prefiksācijas paņēmiens tiek izmantots daudz retāk nekā sufiksācijas
paņēmiens. Vairums lietvārdu, kuru sastāvā ir priedēklis, ir atvasināti no priedēkļverbiem …