An atlas of resolved spectral features in the transmission spectrum of WASP-189 b with MAROON-X

B Prinoth, HJ Hoeijmakers, BM Morris, M Lam… - Astronomy & …, 2024 -
Exoplanets in the ultra-hot Jupiter regime provide an excellent laboratory for testing the
impact of stellar irradiation on the dynamics and chemical composition of gas giant …

CRIRES+ transmission spectroscopy of WASP-127 b-Detection of the resolved signatures of a supersonic equatorial jet and cool poles in a hot planet

L Nortmann, F Lesjak, F Yan, D Cont, S Czesla… - Astronomy & …, 2025 -
Context. General circulation models of gas giant exoplanets predict equatorial jets that drive
inhomogeneities in the atmospheric physical parameters across the planetary surface. Aims …

Instrumentation prospects for rocky exoplanet atmospheres studies with high resolution spectroscopy

S Rukdee - Scientific Reports, 2024 -
Studying the atmospheres of exoplanets is one of the most promising ways to learn about
distant worlds beyond our solar system. The composition of an exoplanet's atmosphere can …

Machine learning for exoplanet detection in high-contrast spectroscopy-Revealing exoplanets by leveraging hidden molecular signatures in cross-correlated spectra …

EO Garvin, MJ Bonse, J Hayoz, G Cugno… - Astronomy & …, 2024 -
Context. The new generation of observatories and instruments (VLT/ERIS, JWST, ELT)
motivate the development of robust methods to detect and characterise faint and close-in …

Machine learning for exoplanet detection in high-contrast spectroscopy-Combining cross-correlation maps and deep learning on medium-resolution integral-field …

R Nath-Ranga, O Absil, V Christiaens… - Astronomy & …, 2024 -
Context. The advent of high-contrast imaging instruments combined with medium-resolution
spectrographs allows spectral and temporal dimensions to be combined with spatial …

Retrieving wind properties from the ultra-hot dayside of WASP-189 b with CRIRES+

F Lesjak, L Nortmann, D Cont, F Yan, A Reiners… - Astronomy & …, 2025 -
Context. The extreme temperature gradients from day-to nightside in the atmospheres of hot
Jupiters generate fast winds in the form of equatorial jets or day-to-night flows. Observations …

Vertical structure of an exoplanet's atmospheric jet stream

JV Seidel, B Prinoth, L Pino, LA Dos Santos… - Nature, 2025 -
Ultra-hot Jupiters, an extreme class of planets not found in our solar system, provide a
unique window into atmospheric processes. The extreme temperature contrasts between …

The overflowing atmosphere of WASP-121 b-High-resolution He I λ10833 transmission spectroscopy with VLT/CRIRES+

S Czesla, F Nail, A Lavail, D Cont, L Nortmann… - Astronomy & …, 2024 -
Transmission spectroscopy is a prime method to study the atmospheres of extrasolar
planets. We obtained a high-resolution spectral transit time series of the hot Jupiter WASP …

Titanium chemistry of WASP-121 b with ESPRESSO in 4-UT mode

B Prinoth, JV Seidel, HJ Hoeijmakers… - Astronomy & …, 2025 -
Transit spectroscopy usually relies on the integration of one or several transits to achieve the
signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) necessary to resolve spectral features. Consequently, high-S/N …

The GAPS programme at TNG-LXVI. A homogeneous search for Na I and its possible variability in ten gas giant exoplanets

D Sicilia, L Malavolta, G Scandariato, L Fossati… - Astronomy & …, 2025 -
The neutral sodium resonance doublet (Na ID) has been detected in the upper atmosphere
of several close-in gas giants, through high-resolution transmission spectroscopy. We aim to …