[HTML][HTML] Novel biosensor detection of tuberculosis based on photonic band gap materials
Tuberculosis is one of the most widespread infectious and deadliest diseases in the world.
The death percentage is larger than that in the case of the current Coronavirus. Bio-photonic …
The death percentage is larger than that in the case of the current Coronavirus. Bio-photonic …
One-dimensional photonic crystal with a defect layer utilized as an optical filter in narrow linewidth LED-based sources
A one-dimensional photonic crystal (1DPhC) with a defect layer is utilized as an optical filter
in a simple realization of narrow linewidth LED-based sources. The 1DPhC comprising TiO …
in a simple realization of narrow linewidth LED-based sources. The 1DPhC comprising TiO …
Engineering vertically interrogated interferometric sensors for optical label-free biosensing
In this work, we review the technology of vertically interrogated optical biosensors from the
point of view of engineering. Vertical sensors present several advantages in the fabrication …
point of view of engineering. Vertical sensors present several advantages in the fabrication …
Impact of fabrication and bioassay surface roughness on the performance of label-free resonant biosensors based on one-dimensional photonic crystal microcavities
Micro-and nanofabrication offer remarkable opportunities for the preparation of label-free
biosensors exploiting optical resonances to improve sensitivity and reduce detection limit …
biosensors exploiting optical resonances to improve sensitivity and reduce detection limit …
High-performance graphene-based biosensor using a metasurface of asymmetric silicon disks
In recent years, optical biosensors widely applicable for medical applications, have received
much attention. In this paper, we propose a high-performance polarization-insensitive …
much attention. In this paper, we propose a high-performance polarization-insensitive …
One-Dimensional defect layer photonic crystal sensor for purity assessment of organic solvents
This paper presents the design and analysis of a one-dimensional defect layer photonic
crystal (1D-DLPC) sensor for the assessment of the purity of chemical solvents with …
crystal (1D-DLPC) sensor for the assessment of the purity of chemical solvents with …
Terahertz refractive index sensor based on the guided resonance in a photonic crystal slab
The optical properties of a photonic crystals slab (PCS) are highly sensitive to environmental
variation. PCS thus are an attractive platform for sensing application. We numerically …
variation. PCS thus are an attractive platform for sensing application. We numerically …
Highly sensitive plasmonic-grating PCF biosensor for cancer cell detection
Highly sensitive biosensor based on D-shaped photonic crystal fiber (PCF) with plasmonic
grating is introduced and analyzed. The suggested structure is tested using four different …
grating is introduced and analyzed. The suggested structure is tested using four different …
Narrowband and full-angle refractive index sensor based on a planar multilayer structure
This paper reports a design of a narrowband and full-angle refractive index sensor based on
Tamm plasmon resonance by introducing a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) integrated with …
Tamm plasmon resonance by introducing a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) integrated with …
Designing real-time biosensors and chemical sensors based on defective 1-D photonic crystals
In this letter, we have designed a new biosensing and chemical sensing structure based on
1-D photonic crystals. The proposed structure is a 1-D photonic crystal with a gradient …
1-D photonic crystals. The proposed structure is a 1-D photonic crystal with a gradient …