Seagrasses in an era of ocean warming: a review
Seagrasses are valuable sources of food and habitat for marine life and are one of Earth's
most efficient carbon sinks. However, they are facing a global decline due to ocean warming …
most efficient carbon sinks. However, they are facing a global decline due to ocean warming …
Integrating within-species variation in thermal physiology into climate change ecology
Accurately forecasting the response of global biota to warming is a fundamental challenge
for ecology in the Anthropocene. Within-species variation in thermal sensitivity, caused by …
for ecology in the Anthropocene. Within-species variation in thermal sensitivity, caused by …
Changing ocean, marine ecosystems, and dependent communities
NL Bindoff, WWL Cheung, JG Kairo, J Arístegui… - 2019 - ri.conicet.gov.ar
The ocean is a key component of the Earth system (Chapter 1) as it provides essential life
supporting services (Inniss et al. 2017). For example, it stores heat trapped in the …
supporting services (Inniss et al. 2017). For example, it stores heat trapped in the …
Imprint of climate change on pan-Arctic marine vegetation
The Arctic climate is changing rapidly. The warming and resultant longer open water periods
suggest a potential for expansion of marine vegetation along the vast Arctic coastline. We …
suggest a potential for expansion of marine vegetation along the vast Arctic coastline. We …
Disease surveillance by artificial intelligence links eelgrass wasting disease to ocean warming across latitudes
Ocean warming endangers coastal ecosystems through increased risk of infectious disease,
yet detection, surveillance, and forecasting of marine diseases remain limited. Eelgrass …
yet detection, surveillance, and forecasting of marine diseases remain limited. Eelgrass …
From coast to coast to coast: ecology and management of seagrass ecosystems across Canada
Seagrass meadows are among the most productive and diverse marine ecosystems,
providing essential structure, functions, and services. They are also among the most …
providing essential structure, functions, and services. They are also among the most …
Century‐long records reveal shifting challenges to seagrass recovery
Global losses over the 20th century placed seagrass ecosystems among the most
threatened ecosystems in the world, with eutrophication, and associated deterioration of the …
threatened ecosystems in the world, with eutrophication, and associated deterioration of the …
Climate change projections reveal range shifts of eelgrass Zostera marina in the Northwest Atlantic
Climate change is altering the distribution of marine species around the globe, including
those providing critical 3-dimensional structure in important coastal habitats. We analysed …
those providing critical 3-dimensional structure in important coastal habitats. We analysed …
High temperatures cause reduced growth, plant death and metabolic changes in eelgrass Zostera marina
We investigated temperature effects on eelgrass Zostera marina L. growing close to its
southern distribution limit along the eastern coast of North America in Virginia, USA. We …
southern distribution limit along the eastern coast of North America in Virginia, USA. We …
Physiological and morphological effects of a marine heatwave on the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa
Marine heatwaves (MHWs) are increasing in frequency and intensity as part of climate
change, yet their impact on seagrass is poorly known. The present work evaluated the …
change, yet their impact on seagrass is poorly known. The present work evaluated the …