Directed self-assembly of block copolymers: a tutorial review of strategies for enabling nanotechnology with soft matter
Self-assembly of soft materials is broadly considered an attractive means of generating
nanoscale structures and patterns over large areas. However, the spontaneous formation of …
nanoscale structures and patterns over large areas. However, the spontaneous formation of …
[HTML][HTML] Self-assembly of block copolymer thin films
Block copolymers self-assemble on nanometer length scales, making them ideal for
emerging nanotechnologies. Many applications (eg, templating, membranes) require the …
emerging nanotechnologies. Many applications (eg, templating, membranes) require the …
Block copolymer nanolithography: translation of molecular level control to nanoscale patterns
Block Copolymer Nanolithography: Translation of Molecular Level Control to Nanoscale Patterns
Page 1 Block Copolymer Nanolithography: Translation of Molecular Level Control to Nanoscale …
Page 1 Block Copolymer Nanolithography: Translation of Molecular Level Control to Nanoscale …
Directed self-assembly of block copolymers for nanolithography: fabrication of isolated features and essential integrated circuit geometries
Self-assembling block copolymers are of interest for nanomanufacturing due to the ability to
realize sub-100 nm dimensions, thermodynamic control over the size and uniformity and …
realize sub-100 nm dimensions, thermodynamic control over the size and uniformity and …
Polymer self assembly in semiconductor microelectronics
We are inspired by the beauty and simplicity of self-organizing materials and the promise
they hold for enabling continued improvements in semiconductor technology. Self assembly …
they hold for enabling continued improvements in semiconductor technology. Self assembly …
Block copolymers as a tool for nanomaterial fabrication
In this review the latest developments regarding the use of self‐assembled copolymers for
the fabrication of nanomaterials will be presented and their real potential evaluated. Most of …
the fabrication of nanomaterials will be presented and their real potential evaluated. Most of …
[HTML][HTML] Block copolymers and conventional lithography
The lithographic process is arguably the key enabling technology for the digital age.
Hundreds of millions of devices can be fabricated on a single chip because patterns with …
Hundreds of millions of devices can be fabricated on a single chip because patterns with …
Nanoporous materials from block copolymer precursors
Block copolymers constitute a fascinating set of self-assembled materials exhibiting
compositional heterogeneities on the nanometer length scale. While traditionally employed …
compositional heterogeneities on the nanometer length scale. While traditionally employed …
[HTML][HTML] Block copolymer patterns and templates
This review describes the chemical and physical aspects of patternable block copolymers
and their use for nanostructure fabrication. The patternability of block copolymers results …
and their use for nanostructure fabrication. The patternability of block copolymers results …
Virus filtration membranes prepared from nanoporous block copolymers with good dimensional stability under high pressures and excellent solvent resistance
We introduce a nanoporous membrane suitable for virus filtration with good dimensional
stability under high pressures maintaining high selectivity. The membrane consists of a …
stability under high pressures maintaining high selectivity. The membrane consists of a …