Develo** classroom ICT teaching techniques, principles and practice for teachers in rural Ghana without access to computers or internet: a framework based on …
Purpose This paper aims to propose a conceptual framework for integrating information and
communication technologies (ICT) into teaching practices for educators in rural Ghana …
communication technologies (ICT) into teaching practices for educators in rural Ghana …
Understanding and predicting the determinants of cloud computing adoption: A two staged hybrid SEM-Neural networks approach
Along with water, gas, electricity, and telephone, cloud computing has been considered as
the fifth utility. Like other utility services available in today's social computing services are …
the fifth utility. Like other utility services available in today's social computing services are …
Analyzing the factors influencing cloud computing adoption using three stage hybrid SEM-ANN-ISM (SEANIS) approach
RD Raut, P Priyadarshinee, BB Gardas… - … Forecasting and Social …, 2018 - Elsevier
This investigation aims to propose a hybrid three-stage Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)-
Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) approach, together …
Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) approach, together …
Identifying the factors impacting the uptake of educational technology in South African schools: A systematic review
SA Hart - South African Journal of Education, 2023 - ajol.info
Abstract The South African education system is considered one of the most unequal in the
world. Providing learners with quality education and equip** them with the digital skills …
world. Providing learners with quality education and equip** them with the digital skills …
Teachers' perceptions of adopting information and communication technologies in teaching and learning at rural secondary schools in eastern cape, South Africa
There is an increasing global call to adopt information and communication technologies
(ICTs) in teaching and learning. ICTs have become so essential that the South African …
(ICTs) in teaching and learning. ICTs have become so essential that the South African …
The myths and realities of generational cohort theory on ICT integration in education: A South African perspective
There is an assumption that the younger cohort of teachers who are considered to be digital
natives will be able to integrate technology into their teaching spaces with ease. This study …
natives will be able to integrate technology into their teaching spaces with ease. This study …
Integration of learning technologies into teaching within Fijian Polytechnic Institutions
In the 21 st century, learning technologies have increasingly become pervasive within
various forms of learning environments. Institutions of higher education are increasingly …
various forms of learning environments. Institutions of higher education are increasingly …
Perceived usefulness and culture as predictors of teachers attitudes towards educational technology in South Africa
The use of educational technology (ET) worldwide is increasing rapidly, and South Africa is
no exception. Grouped amongst the emerging economies of the world, South Africa's …
no exception. Grouped amongst the emerging economies of the world, South Africa's …
The role of digital technology in tourism education: A case study of South African secondary schools
This paper discusses how Information and Communication Technology (ICT) supports
tourism teaching in South African secondary schools. The researchers conducted an in …
tourism teaching in South African secondary schools. The researchers conducted an in …
Modeling the implementation barriers of cloud computing adoption: an interpretive structural modeling
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify and model critical barriers to cloud
computing adoption (CCA) in Indian MSMEs by the interpretive structural modeling (ISM) …
computing adoption (CCA) in Indian MSMEs by the interpretive structural modeling (ISM) …