Hearing loss versus vestibular loss as contributors to cognitive dysfunction
PF Smith - Journal of neurology, 2022 - Springer
In the last 5 years, there has been a surge in evidence that hearing loss (HL) may be a risk
factor for cognitive dysfunction, including dementia. At the same time, there has been an …
factor for cognitive dysfunction, including dementia. At the same time, there has been an …
Galvanic vestibular stimulation improves spatial cognition after unilateral labyrinthectomy in mice
Objectives: To investigate the deficits of spatial memory and navigation from unilateral
vestibular deafferentation (UVD) and to determine the efficacy of galvanic vestibular …
vestibular deafferentation (UVD) and to determine the efficacy of galvanic vestibular …
Executive functions in patients with bilateral and unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction
CG Schöne, D Vibert, FW Mast - Journal of neurology, 2024 - Springer
Previous research suggests that patients with peripheral vestibular dysfunction (PVD) suffer
from nonspatial cognitive problems, including executive impairments. However, previous …
from nonspatial cognitive problems, including executive impairments. However, previous …
Left parietal involvement in motion sickness susceptibility revealed by multimodal magnetic resonance imaging
Susceptibility to motion sickness varies greatly across individuals. However, the neural
mechanisms underlying this susceptibility remain largely unclear. To address this gap, the …
mechanisms underlying this susceptibility remain largely unclear. To address this gap, the …
High-current galvanic vestibular stimulation impairs working memory span, but not other executive functions
CG Schöne, FW Mast - Neuropsychologia, 2023 - Elsevier
Patients with peripheral vestibular dysfunction (PVD) suffer not only from physical problems
such as imbalance or vertigo but also from neuropsychological difficulties, including …
such as imbalance or vertigo but also from neuropsychological difficulties, including …
Gravity modulates behaviour control strategy
Human behaviour is a trade-off between exploitation of familiar resources and exploration of
new ones. In a challenging environment—such as outer space—making the correct decision …
new ones. In a challenging environment—such as outer space—making the correct decision …
The differential effects of acute right-vs. left-sided vestibular deafferentation on spatial cognition in unilateral labyrinthectomized mice
This study aimed to investigate the disparity in locomotor and spatial memory deficits caused
by left-or right-sided unilateral vestibular deafferentation (UVD) using a mouse model of …
by left-or right-sided unilateral vestibular deafferentation (UVD) using a mouse model of …
Impaired math achievement in patients with acute vestibular neuritis
Broad cognitive difficulties have been reported in patients with peripheral vestibular deficit,
especially in the domain of spatial cognition. Processing and manipulating numbers relies …
especially in the domain of spatial cognition. Processing and manipulating numbers relies …
A preliminary clinical study related to vestibular migraine and cognitive dysfunction
T Sun, Y Lin, Y Huang, Y Pan - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2024 - frontiersin.org
Background and purpose Vestibular migraine (VM) is a common clinical disorder with a
genetic predisposition characterized by recurrent episodes of dizziness/vertigo. Patients …
genetic predisposition characterized by recurrent episodes of dizziness/vertigo. Patients …
Hand preference and Mathematical Learning Difficulties: New data from Greece, the United Kingdom, and Germany and two meta-analyses of the literature
Increased rates of atypical handedness are observed in neurotypical individuals who are
low-performing in mathematical tasks as well as in individuals with special educational …
low-performing in mathematical tasks as well as in individuals with special educational …