Mechanical behavior and damage constitutive model of granodiorite in a deep buried tunnel
J Yan, Z Zou, S Guo, Q Zhang, X Hu, T Luo - Bulletin of Engineering …, 2022 - Springer
It is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the mechanical properties of deep
rock for the construction of deep rock engineering. There have been few studies on the …
rock for the construction of deep rock engineering. There have been few studies on the …
Numerical modelling of the quasi-brittle behaviour of refractory ceramics by considering microcracks effect
In the steelmaking industry, the inner lining of ladles is made of refractory ceramics, which
are constantly subjected to thermal shocks during their service. Experimentally, it is …
are constantly subjected to thermal shocks during their service. Experimentally, it is …
Hybrid machine learning-based triaxial jointed rock mass strength
H Fathipour-Azar - Environmental Earth Sciences, 2022 - Springer
Rock mass is a complex structure and its mechanical behavior is significantly influenced by
the joint frequency and orientation. The evaluation of rock mass strength is a key element in …
the joint frequency and orientation. The evaluation of rock mass strength is a key element in …
Experimental evaluation and discrete element modeling of shale delamination mechanism
In this research work, X-ray diffraction (XRD) tests and petrographic studies are performed to
analyze the mineral composition and lamination in the shale rock specimens. Afterward …
analyze the mineral composition and lamination in the shale rock specimens. Afterward …
A new shear creep damage model for rock masses after considering initial damage
B Hu, Z Wang, J Li, E Wei, L Ma, J Liu, Y **aobo - Plos One, 2023 -
For a long time, one of the important safety problems in open-pit mines is the stability of a
large number of high slopes with gently inclined soft interlayer. Rock masses formed after …
large number of high slopes with gently inclined soft interlayer. Rock masses formed after …
Mechanical behaviors of coal surrounding horizontal wellbore during drilling process considering the effects of loading rate, pore pressure and temperature
Q Zhang, S Zhao, W Wang, X Fan, Y Liang… - … and Geophysics for Geo …, 2023 - Springer
Coal is a kind of rock with the characteristics of soft structure, developed joints, cleats,
cracks, and pores, resulting in that its mechanical behaviors are highly sensitive to stress …
cracks, and pores, resulting in that its mechanical behaviors are highly sensitive to stress …
A statistical damage constitutive model for rock based on modified Mohr–Coulomb strength criterion
Z Peng, Y Zeng, Y Ye, X Chen - Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2021 - Springer
The study on strength criterion and constitutive relationship for rock in the deep strata is an
essential and paramount requirement for the analysis and design of deep underground …
essential and paramount requirement for the analysis and design of deep underground …
Experimental and constitutive model study on the mechanical properties of a structural plane of a rock mass under dynamic disturbance
Y Yu, Y Yang, J Liu, P Wang, S Zhang, Z Wang… - Scientific Reports, 2022 -
An accurate description of the mechanical properties and deformation characteristics of a
structural plane of a rock mass with a large chamber or slope under the ultimate stress with …
structural plane of a rock mass with a large chamber or slope under the ultimate stress with …
Simulation of Rock Crack Propagation and Failure Behavior Based on a Mixed Failure Model with SPH
Understanding the mechanisms of crack propagation and failure behavior in rocks is
fundamental for geotechnical engineering and mining applications. This study employs a …
fundamental for geotechnical engineering and mining applications. This study employs a …
A statistical damage constitutive model of anisotropic rock: development and validation
T Rong, C Guan, K Liu, S Heng, W Shen, R Mou - Geofluids, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
The damage constitutive model is of great significance to research the stress‐strain
relationship and damage evolution of rock under loading in engineering. In order to …
relationship and damage evolution of rock under loading in engineering. In order to …