Ultra-high field MRI: Advancing systems neuroscience towards mesoscopic human brain function
Human MRI scanners at ultra-high magnetic field strengths of 7 T and higher are
increasingly available to the neuroscience community. A key advantage brought by ultra …
increasingly available to the neuroscience community. A key advantage brought by ultra …
Laminar fMRI: Applications for cognitive neuroscience
The cortex is a massively recurrent network, characterized by feedforward and feedback
connections between brain areas as well as lateral connections within an area …
connections between brain areas as well as lateral connections within an area …
Selective activation of the deep layers of the human primary visual cortex by top-down feedback
In addition to bottom-up input, the visual cortex receives large amounts of feedback from
other cortical areas [1–3]. One compelling example of feedback activation of early visual …
other cortical areas [1–3]. One compelling example of feedback activation of early visual …
[KNJIGA][B] Diffusion MRI: from quantitative measurement to in vivo neuroanatomy
H Johansen-Berg, TEJ Behrens - 2013 - books.google.com
Diffusion MRI remains the most comprehensive reference for understanding this rapidly
evolving and powerful technology and is an essential handbook for designing, analyzing …
evolving and powerful technology and is an essential handbook for designing, analyzing …
Laminar analysis of 7 T BOLD using an imposed spatial activation pattern in human V1
With sufficient image encoding, high-resolution fMRI studies are limited by the biological
point-spread of the hemodynamic signal. The extent of this spread is determined by the local …
point-spread of the hemodynamic signal. The extent of this spread is determined by the local …
An integrative model for neuronal activity-induced signal changes for gradient and spin echo functional imaging
Gradient and spin echo (GRE and SE, respectively) weighted magnetic resonance images
report on neuronal activity via changes in deoxygenated hemoglobin content and cerebral …
report on neuronal activity via changes in deoxygenated hemoglobin content and cerebral …
[HTML][HTML] Linking brain vascular physiology to hemodynamic response in ultra-high field MRI
Functional MRI using blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) contrast indirectly probes
neuronal activity via evoked cerebral blood volume (CBV) and oxygenation changes. Thus …
neuronal activity via evoked cerebral blood volume (CBV) and oxygenation changes. Thus …
High-resolution fMRI reveals laminar differences in neurovascular coupling between positive and negative BOLD responses
J Goense, H Merkle, NK Logothetis - Neuron, 2012 - cell.com
The six cortical layers have distinct anatomical and physiological properties, like different
energy use and different feedforward and feedback connectivity. It is not known if and how …
energy use and different feedforward and feedback connectivity. It is not known if and how …
Frequency preference and attention effects across cortical depths in the human primary auditory cortex
Columnar arrangements of neurons with similar preference have been suggested as the
fundamental processing units of the cerebral cortex. Within these columnar arrangements …
fundamental processing units of the cerebral cortex. Within these columnar arrangements …
Morphometry of the human cerebral cortex microcirculation: general characteristics and space-related profiles
F Lauwers, F Cassot, V Lauwers-Cances… - Neuroimage, 2008 - Elsevier
Studies on human brain microcirculation have thus far yielded few quantitative data,
preventing the closest possible interpretation of functional imaging methods such as fMRI …
preventing the closest possible interpretation of functional imaging methods such as fMRI …