Crowd intelligence for sustainable futuristic intelligent transportation system: a review

R Chandra Shit - Iet intelligent transport systems, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Connected vehicles and fully automated driving systems are the main objectives of the
future transportation system. A safe interactive system that interacts with people and things is …

Mechanism of injury and special considerations as predictive of serious injury: a systematic review

JR Lupton, C Davis‐O'Reilly… - Academic …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Objectives The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's field triage guidelines
(FTG) are routinely used by emergency medical services personnel for triaging injured …

A data-driven, kinematic feature-based, near real-time algorithm for injury severity prediction of vehicle occupants

Q Wang, S Gan, W Chen, Q Li, B Nie - Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2021 - Elsevier
Accurate real-time prediction of occupant injury severity in unavoidable collision scenarios is
a prerequisite for enhancing road traffic safety with the development of highly automated …

[HTML][HTML] On Scene Injury Severity Prediction (OSISP) machine learning algorithms for motor vehicle crash occupants in US

S Candefjord, AS Muhammad, P Bangalore… - Journal of Transport & …, 2021 - Elsevier
A significant proportion of motor vehicle crash fatalities are potentially preventable with
improved acute care. By increasing the accuracy of triage more victims could be transported …

Machine learning-based injury severity prediction of level 1 trauma center enrolled patients associated with car-to-car crashes in Korea

JS Kong, KH Lee, OH Kim, HY Lee, CY Kang… - Computers in biology …, 2023 - Elsevier
Injury prediction models enables to improve trauma outcomes for motor vehicle occupants in
accurate decision-making and early transport to appropriate trauma centers. This study aims …

A predictive ambulance dispatch algorithm to the scene of a motor vehicle crash: the search for optimal over and under triage rates

E Ceklic, H Tohira, S Ball, E Brown, D Brink… - BMC emergency …, 2022 - Springer
Background Calls for emergency medical assistance at the scene of a motor vehicle crash
(MVC) substantially contribute to the demand on ambulance services. Triage by emergency …

[HTML][HTML] Human injury-based safety decision of automated vehicles

Q Wang, Q Zhou, M Lin, B Nie - Iscience, 2022 -
Automated vehicles (AVs) are anticipated to improve road traffic safety. However, prevailing
decision-making algorithms have largely neglected the potential to mitigate injuries when …

Injury risk curves in far-side lateral motor vehicle crashes by AIS level, body region and injury code

ZS Hostetler, FC Hsu, R Barnard, DA Jones… - Traffic injury …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Objective The objective of this study was to develop injury risk curves as a function of
change in vehicle velocity for occupants in far-side lateral motor vehicle crashes (MVCs) by …

Age-based differences in the disability of extremity injuries in pediatric and adult occupants

M Gaffley, AA Weaver, JW Talton, RT Barnard… - Traffic injury …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Objective: The objective was to develop a disability-based metric for motor vehicle crash
(MVC) upper and lower extremity injuries and compare functional outcomes between …

A pedestrian serious injury risk prediction method based on posted speed limit

T Nishimoto, K Kubota, G Ponte - Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2019 - Elsevier
The purpose of this study was to develop a serious injury risk prediction algorithm for
pedestrians, using data from the South Australian Traffic Accident Reporting System. Two …