Digital health for optimal supportive care in oncology: benefits, limits, and future perspectives
Background Digital health provides solutions that capture patient-reported outcomes (PROs)
and allows symptom monitoring and patient management. Digital therapeutics is the …
and allows symptom monitoring and patient management. Digital therapeutics is the …
[HTML][HTML] Big data in healthcare: Conceptual network structure, key challenges and opportunities
Big data is a concept that deals with large or complex data sets by using data analysis tools
(eg, data mining, machine learning) to analyze information extracted from several sources …
(eg, data mining, machine learning) to analyze information extracted from several sources …
The limits of empowerment: how to reframe the role of mHealth tools in the healthcare ecosystem
This article highlights the limitations of the tendency to frame health-and wellbeing-related
digital tools (mHealth technologies) as empowering devices, especially as they play an …
digital tools (mHealth technologies) as empowering devices, especially as they play an …
Ethical and social reflections on the proposed European Health Data Space
The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the benefits of international data sharing. Data
sharing enabled the health care policy makers to make decisions based on real-time data, it …
sharing enabled the health care policy makers to make decisions based on real-time data, it …
Fairness in model-sharing games
In many real-world situations, data is distributed across multiple self-interested agents.
These agents can collaborate to build a machine learning model based on data from …
These agents can collaborate to build a machine learning model based on data from …
What can data trusts for health research learn from participatory governance in biobanks?
New models of data governance for health data are a focus of growing interest in an era of
challenge to the social licence. In this article, we reflect on what the data trust model, which …
challenge to the social licence. In this article, we reflect on what the data trust model, which …
Strategies to promote patient‐centeredness within the healthcare industry: A grey‐based multicriteria decision making methods
Rationale The international policy agenda has recently advocated for the development of
patient‐centeredness in healthcare service delivery. Consequently, various stakeholders in …
patient‐centeredness in healthcare service delivery. Consequently, various stakeholders in …
Emerging health data platforms: From individual control to collective data governance
Health data have enormous potential to transform healthcare, health service design,
research, and individual health management. However, health data collected by institutions …
research, and individual health management. However, health data collected by institutions …
'It's not something you can take in your hands'. Swiss experts' perspectives on health data ownership: an interview-based study
Objectives The evolution of healthcare and biomedical research into data-rich fields has
raised several questions concerning data ownership. In this paper, we aimed to analyse the …
raised several questions concerning data ownership. In this paper, we aimed to analyse the …
Models of fairness in federated learning
In many real-world situations, data is distributed across multiple self-interested agents.
These agents can collaborate to build a machine learning model based on data from …
These agents can collaborate to build a machine learning model based on data from …