Saving human lives: What complexity science and information systems can contribute
We discuss models and data of crowd disasters, crime, terrorism, war and disease
spreading to show that conventional recipes, such as deterrence strategies, are often not …
spreading to show that conventional recipes, such as deterrence strategies, are often not …
A survey on security, privacy, and trust in mobile crowdsourcing
With the popularity of sensor-rich mobile devices (eg, smart phones and wearable devices),
mobile crowdsourcing (MCS) has emerged as an effective method for data collection and …
mobile crowdsourcing (MCS) has emerged as an effective method for data collection and …
Smart crowds in smart cities: real life, city scale deployments of a smartphone based participatory crowd management platform
We describe a platform for smart, city-wide crowd management based on participatory
mobile phone sensing and location/situation specific information delivery. The platform …
mobile phone sensing and location/situation specific information delivery. The platform …
Leveraging human mobility in smartphone based ad-hoc information distribution in crowd management scenarios
We propose a novel approach for Ad-Hoc WiFi based distribution of information within large
crowds of mobile users. The work is motivated by civil protection scenarios where …
crowds of mobile users. The work is motivated by civil protection scenarios where …
Crowd+ cloud machines
SW Loke, SW Loke - Crowd-powered mobile computing and smart things, 2017 - Springer
This chapter reviews several examples of how (machine and human) resources of a
(mobile) crowd of people with separately owned devices can be pooled together and …
(mobile) crowd of people with separately owned devices can be pooled together and …
Efficient information distribution using human mobility
We propose to study a novel approach for Ad-Hoc WiFi based distribution of information,
usable in large crowds of mobile users. We follow a basic opportunistic networking …
usable in large crowds of mobile users. We follow a basic opportunistic networking …
Crowd Oriented Public Space Approach on the Istiklal Street, Istanbul: Many People, in the Same Place, at the Same Time
N Kesici - 2021 -
The concepts of public space and crowd have been in a close relationship in every period of
history. Especially in today's metropolises, this relationship leads to significant changes and …
history. Especially in today's metropolises, this relationship leads to significant changes and …
A Survey on Security, Privacy and Trust in Mobile Crowdsourcing
M Bhavsar, S Dahima - International Journal of New Technology and Research -
With the popularity of sensor-rich mobile devices (eg, smart phones and wearable devices),
Mobile Crowdsourcing (MCS) has emerged as an effective method for data collection and …
Mobile Crowdsourcing (MCS) has emerged as an effective method for data collection and …
Trace Driven Simulation Model for City Scale Crowd Movements
We present a city-scale crowd simulation model based on a large data set (25 million GPS
data points from 28'000 volunteers recorded during a 3-day city-wide festival held in Zurich …
data points from 28'000 volunteers recorded during a 3-day city-wide festival held in Zurich …
[CITAT][C] Adaptive task assignment in spatial crowdsourcing
E Curry - 2016