Contemporary concise review 2021: Interstitial lung disease

C McCarthy, MP Keane - Respirology, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The last 2 years have presented previously unforeseen challenges in pulmonary medicine.
Despite the significant impact of the SARS‐CoV‐2 pandemic on patients, clinicians and …

mmTAA: A Contact-Less Thoracoabdominal Asynchrony Measurement System Based on Mmwave Sensing

F Zhang, Z Zhang, L Kang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2024 -
Thoracoabdominal Asynchrony (TAA) is a key metric in respiration monitoring, which
characterizes the non-parallel periodical motion of human's rib cage (RC) and abdomen …

Differences of ventilatory muscle recruitment and work of breathing in COPD and ILD during exercise–a comprehensive evaluation

JG Ferreira, VC Iamonti, MC Pereira… - ERJ Open …, 2024 -
Introduction Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and interstitial lung disease
(ILD) are significant chronic respiratory disorders, impacting quality of life. Respiratory …

Differences of ventilatory muscle recruitment and work of breathing in COPD and interstitial lung disease during exercise: a comprehensive evaluation

JG Ferreira, VC Iamonti, MC Pereira… - ERJ Open …, 2024 -
Introduction COPD and interstitial lung disease (ILD) are significant chronic respiratory
disorders, impacting quality of life. Respiratory muscle roles and differences remain not …

Estudo do trabalho ventilatório no repouso e no exercÃcio em indivÃduos com doenà § a pulmonar obstrutiva crô nica, doenà § a pulmonar intersticial fibrosante e …

JG Ferreira -
Introduà § ã o: A DPOC e as DPIFs sã o duas importantes doenà § as respiratórias crô
nicas que se caracterizam por aumento na dispneia, intolerâ ncia aos esforà § os e …

Diaphragm Ultrasound in Respiratory Disorders and Diaphragm Paralysis

PV Santana, LZ Cardenas… - Ultrasound of the …, 2022 -
Dyspnea and exercise intolerance are common in chronic respiratory diseases and
significantly contribute to poor quality of life. Respiratory muscle dysfunction is one of …

An uncoordinated effort: A new mechanism of exercise intolerance in fibrotic interstitial lung disease.

MP Mohning - Respirology, 2021 -
Exercise intolerance is one of the most common, frustrating and debilitating symptoms for
patients with fibrotic interstitial lung disease (fILD). The progressive exertional dyspnoea …

[PDF][PDF] Capnografie als diagnosticum voor disfunctioneel ademen bij kinderen met inspanningsgebonden benauwdheidsklachten.

AJ Bosboom, FR Greebe, PA Heuvel, CL Jong - 2021 -
Achtergrond Disfunctioneel ademen is een overkoepelende term voor verschillende
aandoeningen, waarbij op een verkeerde manier wordt geademd. Dit kan tot …