Muscle5: High-accuracy alignment ensembles enable unbiased assessments of sequence homology and phylogeny
RC Edgar - Nature Communications, 2022 - nature.com
Multiple sequence alignments are widely used to infer evolutionary relationships, enabling
inferences of structure, function, and phylogeny. Standard practice is to construct one …
inferences of structure, function, and phylogeny. Standard practice is to construct one …
MUSCLE v5 enables improved estimates of phylogenetic tree confidence by ensemble bootstrap**
RC Edgar - BioRxiv, 2021 - biorxiv.org
Phylogenetic tree confidence is often estimated from a multiple sequence alignment (MSA)
using the Felsenstein bootstrap heuristic. However, this does not account for systematic …
using the Felsenstein bootstrap heuristic. However, this does not account for systematic …
A survey on the algorithm and development of multiple sequence alignment
Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is an essential cornerstone in bioinformatics, which can
reveal the potential information in biological sequences, such as function, evolution and …
reveal the potential information in biological sequences, such as function, evolution and …
A machine-learning-based alternative to phylogenetic bootstrap
Motivation Currently used methods for estimating branch support in phylogenetic analyses
often rely on the classic Felsenstein's bootstrap, parametric tests, or their approximations. As …
often rely on the classic Felsenstein's bootstrap, parametric tests, or their approximations. As …
The monotypic genus Flavocetraria and two new genera: Cladocetraria and Foveolaria, in the cetrarioid core
SV Chesnokov, EA Davydov, LA Konoreva… - Plant Systematics and …, 2023 - Springer
Data on morphology, anatomy, secondary chemistry, ecology, as well as phylogenetic
reconstructions based on ITS/5.8 S and mtSSU sequence data suggest that “Flavocetraria” …
reconstructions based on ITS/5.8 S and mtSSU sequence data suggest that “Flavocetraria” …
Novel chitinolytic bacteria from the shrimp shell processing waste
Masri M, Sukmawaty E, Aditia L. 2021. Novel chitinolytic bacteria from the shrimp shell
processing waste. Biodiversitas 22: 2672-2681. Chitinase is an enzyme that hydrolyzes …
processing waste. Biodiversitas 22: 2672-2681. Chitinase is an enzyme that hydrolyzes …
Build a better bootstrap and the RAWR shall beat a random path to your door: phylogenetic support estimation revisited
Motivation The standard bootstrap method is used throughout science and engineering to
perform general-purpose non-parametric resampling and re-estimation. Among the most …
perform general-purpose non-parametric resampling and re-estimation. Among the most …
An empirical test of the relationship between the bootstrap and likelihood ratio support in maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis
D Jacob Machado, F Portella de Luna Marques… - …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
In maximum likelihood (ML), the support for a clade can be calculated directly as the
likelihood ratio (LR) or log‐likelihood difference (S, LLD) of the best trees with and without …
likelihood ratio (LR) or log‐likelihood difference (S, LLD) of the best trees with and without …
Bacterial Strain Identification from Drinking Water in Water Treatment Systems
The availability of clean and safe water for drinking is essential for human life and existence,
which ideally should be suitable for consumption and not contain pathogenic …
which ideally should be suitable for consumption and not contain pathogenic …
Variational methods for phylogeny and single-cell genomics
H Koptagel - 2023 - diva-portal.org
The investigation of the evolutionary history of organisms, both at the cellular level and at the
species level, is a relevant research topic in computational biology. These investigations …
species level, is a relevant research topic in computational biology. These investigations …