Critical periods in speech perception: new directions
A continuing debate in language acquisition research is whether there are critical periods
(CPs) in development during which the system is most responsive to environmental input …
(CPs) in development during which the system is most responsive to environmental input …
Critical period regulation across multiple timescales
Brain plasticity is dynamically regulated across the life span, peaking during windows of
early life. Typically assessed in the physiological range of milliseconds (real time), these …
early life. Typically assessed in the physiological range of milliseconds (real time), these …
[BOOK][B] Heritage languages and their speakers
M Polinsky - 2018 -
This book provides a pioneering introduction to heritage languages and their speakers,
written by one of the founders of this new field. Using examples from a wide range of …
written by one of the founders of this new field. Using examples from a wide range of …
[BOOK][B] Developmental cognitive neuroscience: An introduction
MH Johnson, MDH de Haan - 2015 -
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 4th Edition, is a revised and updated edition of the
landmark text focusing on the development of brain and behaviour during infancy …
landmark text focusing on the development of brain and behaviour during infancy …
[BOOK][B] Language in our brain: The origins of a uniquely human capacity
AD Friederici - 2017 -
A comprehensive account of the neurobiological basis of language, arguing that species-
specific brain differences may be at the root of the human capacity for language. Language …
specific brain differences may be at the root of the human capacity for language. Language …
The ontogeny of the cortical language network
MA Skeide, AD Friederici - Nature reviews neuroscience, 2016 -
Abstract Language-processing functions follow heterogeneous developmental trajectories.
The human embryo can already distinguish vowels in utero, but grammatical complexity is …
The human embryo can already distinguish vowels in utero, but grammatical complexity is …
Perceptual narrowing during infancy: A comparison of language and faces
In this article, we begin with a summary of the evidence for perceptual narrowing for various
aspects of language (eg, vowel and consonant contrasts, tone languages, visual language …
aspects of language (eg, vowel and consonant contrasts, tone languages, visual language …
Rethinking the critical period for language: New insights into an old question from American Sign Language
RI Mayberry, R Kluender - Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 2018 -
The hypothesis that children surpass adults in long-term second-language proficiency is
accepted as evidence for a critical period for language. However, the scope and nature of a …
accepted as evidence for a critical period for language. However, the scope and nature of a …
Syllabic discrimination in premature human infants prior to complete formation of cortical layers
M Mahmoudzadeh, G Dehaene-Lambertz… - Proceedings of the …, 2013 -
The ontogeny of linguistic functions in the human brain remains elusive. Although some
auditory capacities are described before term, whether and how such immature cortical …
auditory capacities are described before term, whether and how such immature cortical …
The infancy of the human brain
The human infant brain is the only known machine able to master a natural language and
develop explicit, symbolic, and communicable systems of knowledge that deliver rich …
develop explicit, symbolic, and communicable systems of knowledge that deliver rich …