Approaching complexity by stochastic methods: From biological systems to turbulence
This review addresses a central question in the field of complex systems: given a fluctuating
(in time or space), sequentially measured set of experimental data, how should one analyze …
(in time or space), sequentially measured set of experimental data, how should one analyze …
Map** stochastic processes onto complex networks
We introduce a method by which stochastic processes are mapped onto complex networks.
As examples, we construct the networks for such time series as those for free-jet and low …
As examples, we construct the networks for such time series as those for free-jet and low …
Markov analysis and Kramers-Moyal expansion of nonstationary stochastic processes with application to the fluctuations in the oil price
We describe a general method for analyzing a nonstationary stochastic process X (t) which,
unlike many of the previous analysis methods, does not require X (t) to have any scaling …
unlike many of the previous analysis methods, does not require X (t) to have any scaling …
Clustering of local extrema in Planck CMB maps
The clustering of local extrema will be exploited to examine Gaussianity, asymmetry, and the
footprint of the cosmic-string network on the CMB observed by Planck. The number density …
footprint of the cosmic-string network on the CMB observed by Planck. The number density …
Multifractal analysis of light scattering-intensity fluctuations
We provide a simple interpretation of non-Gaussian nature of the light scattering-intensity
fluctuations from an aging colloidal suspension of Laponite using the multiplicative cascade …
fluctuations from an aging colloidal suspension of Laponite using the multiplicative cascade …
Level crossing analysis of cosmic microwave background radiation: a method for detecting cosmic strings
In this paper we study the footprint of cosmic string as the topological defects in the very
early universe on the cosmic microwave background radiation. We develop the method of …
early universe on the cosmic microwave background radiation. We develop the method of …
Controlling surface statistical properties using bias voltage: Atomic force microscopy and stochastic analysis
The effect of bias voltages on the statistical properties of rough surfaces has been studied
using atomic force microscopy technique and its stochastic analysis. We have characterized …
using atomic force microscopy technique and its stochastic analysis. We have characterized …
Stochastic features of rough surfaces: analysis of laser-induced silicon surfacemodification
We have used level crossing analysis to obtain further insights on roughness and
multifractality. In addition, sources of multifractality could be specified by using shuffling and …
multifractality. In addition, sources of multifractality could be specified by using shuffling and …
Level crossing analysis of the stock markets
We investigate the average frequency of positive slope ν α+ crossing for the returns of
market prices. The method is based on stochastic processes in which no scaling feature is …
market prices. The method is based on stochastic processes in which no scaling feature is …
Surface roughness analysis of hydrophilic SiO2/TiO2/glass nano bilayers by the level crossing approach
The effect of etching time on the statistical properties of hydrophilic surfaces of
SiO2/TiO2/glass nano bilayers has been studied using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and a …
SiO2/TiO2/glass nano bilayers has been studied using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and a …