Drawing-to-learn: a framework for using drawings to promote model-based reasoning in biology
The drawing of visual representations is important for learners and scientists alike, such as
the drawing of models to enable visual model-based reasoning. Yet few biology instructors …
the drawing of models to enable visual model-based reasoning. Yet few biology instructors …
Using systems and systems thinking to unify biology education
As biological science rapidly generates new knowledge and novel approaches to address
increasingly complex and integrative questions, biology educators face the challenge of …
increasingly complex and integrative questions, biology educators face the challenge of …
In pursuit of authenticity in science education
J Anker-Hansen, M Andreé - Nordic Studies in Science Education, 2019 - journals.uio.no
This article presents a systematic review of how authenticity is used in science education
research and discusses the implications these uses have for the design of science …
research and discusses the implications these uses have for the design of science …
Probing internal assumptions of the revised Bloom's taxonomy
TM Larsen, BH Endo, AT Yee, T Do… - CBE—Life Sciences …, 2022 - lifescied.org
Bloom's taxonomy is a classification of learning objectives originally developed for general
educational purposes. The taxonomy was revised to expand beyond cognitive processes …
educational purposes. The taxonomy was revised to expand beyond cognitive processes …
Toward a more humane genetics education: Learning about the social and quantitative complexities of human genetic variation research could reduce racial bias in …
When people are exposed to information that leads them to overestimate the actual amount
of genetic difference between racial groups, it can augment their racial biases. However …
of genetic difference between racial groups, it can augment their racial biases. However …
BioSkills Guide: Development and National Validation of a Tool for Interpreting the Vision and Change Core Competencies
To excel in modern science, technology, engineering, and mathematics careers, biology
majors need a range of transferable skills, yet competency development is often a relatively …
majors need a range of transferable skills, yet competency development is often a relatively …
Crossing the threshold: Bringing biological variation to the foreground
Threshold concepts have been referred to as “jewels in the curriculum”: concepts that are
key to competency in a discipline but not taught explicitly. In biology, researchers have …
key to competency in a discipline but not taught explicitly. In biology, researchers have …
Identifying informative features to evaluate student knowledge as causal maps
B Wang, PJ Giabbanelli - International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in …, 2024 - Springer
Abstract Knowledge maps have been widely used in knowledge elicitation and
representation to evaluate and guide students' learning. To effectively evaluate maps …
representation to evaluate and guide students' learning. To effectively evaluate maps …
Evaluating the extent of a large-scale transformation in gateway science courses
We evaluate the impact of an institutional effort to transform undergraduate science courses
using an approach based on course assessments. The approach is guided by A Framework …
using an approach based on course assessments. The approach is guided by A Framework …
DBER and STEM education reform: Are we up to the challenge?
V Talanquer - Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The extent and quality of Discipline‐Based Education Research (DBER) at the post‐
secondary level have grown substantially in recent years. Associated research findings are …
secondary level have grown substantially in recent years. Associated research findings are …