Human factor, a critical weak point in the information security of an organization's Internet of things

K Hughes-Lartey, M Li, FE Botchey, Z Qin - Heliyon, 2021 -
Abstract Internet of Things (IoT) presents opportunities for designing new technologies for
organizations. Many organizations are beginning to accept these technologies for their daily …

Addressing the gap in information security: an HR-centric and AI-driven framework for mitigating insider threats

M Thite, R Iyer - Personnel Review, 2024 -
Purpose Despite ongoing reports of insider-driven leakage of confidential data, both
academic scholars and practitioners tend to focus on external threats and favour information …

Cybersecurity capabilities for critical infrastructure resilience

M Malatji, AL Marnewick, S Von Solms - Information & Computer …, 2022 -
Purpose For many innovative organisations, Industry 4.0 paves the way for significant
operational efficiencies, quality of goods and services and cost reductions. One of the ways …

Deterrence and prevention-based model to mitigate information security insider threats in organisations

NS Safa, C Maple, S Furnell, MA Azad, C Perera… - Future Generation …, 2019 - Elsevier
Previous studies show that information security breaches and privacy violations are
important issues for organisations and people. It is acknowledged that decreasing the risk in …

Planning for Cyber Security in Schools: The Human Factor.

MD Richardson, PA Lemoine, WE Stephens… - Educational Planning, 2020 - ERIC
Cybersecurity has emerged as one of the most critical issues confronting schools in the 21st
century. Computer security is an essential instrument for protecting children, but K-12 …

Supply chain information integration and its impact on the operational performance of manufacturing firms in Malaysia

A Vafaei-Zadeh, T Ramayah, H Hanifah… - Information & …, 2020 - Elsevier
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of Supply Chain Information
Integration (SCII) on the Operational Performance of manufacturing firms in Malaysia …

[PDF][PDF] Theory and practice in secure software development lifecycle: A comprehensive survey

M Otieno, D Odera, JE Ounza - World Journal of Advanced …, 2023 -
Software development security refers to the practice of integrating security measures and
considerations throughout the software development lifecycle to ensure the confidentiality …

HEART-IS: A novel technique for evaluating human error-related information security incidents

M Evans, Y He, L Maglaras, H Janicke - Computers & Security, 2019 - Elsevier
Organisations continue to suffer information security incidents and breaches as a result of
human error even though humans are recognised as the weakest link with regard to …

[PDF][PDF] Mobile government adoption model based on combining GAM and UTAUT to explain factors according to adoption of mobile government services

M Almaiah, A Al-Khasawneh, A Althunibat… - 2020 -
This research examines the mobile-government services adoption, by combining both
UTAUT and GAM models with adding new constructs for explaining the key factors that affect …

Information security awareness in a develo** country context: insights from the government sector in Saudi Arabia

R AlMindeel, JT Martins - Information Technology & People, 2021 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to increase understanding of employee information
security awareness in a government sector setting and illuminate the problems that public …