Human factor, a critical weak point in the information security of an organization's Internet of things
Abstract Internet of Things (IoT) presents opportunities for designing new technologies for
organizations. Many organizations are beginning to accept these technologies for their daily …
organizations. Many organizations are beginning to accept these technologies for their daily …
Addressing the gap in information security: an HR-centric and AI-driven framework for mitigating insider threats
M Thite, R Iyer - Personnel Review, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose Despite ongoing reports of insider-driven leakage of confidential data, both
academic scholars and practitioners tend to focus on external threats and favour information …
academic scholars and practitioners tend to focus on external threats and favour information …
Cybersecurity capabilities for critical infrastructure resilience
Purpose For many innovative organisations, Industry 4.0 paves the way for significant
operational efficiencies, quality of goods and services and cost reductions. One of the ways …
operational efficiencies, quality of goods and services and cost reductions. One of the ways …
Deterrence and prevention-based model to mitigate information security insider threats in organisations
Previous studies show that information security breaches and privacy violations are
important issues for organisations and people. It is acknowledged that decreasing the risk in …
important issues for organisations and people. It is acknowledged that decreasing the risk in …
Planning for Cyber Security in Schools: The Human Factor.
MD Richardson, PA Lemoine, WE Stephens… - Educational Planning, 2020 - ERIC
Cybersecurity has emerged as one of the most critical issues confronting schools in the 21st
century. Computer security is an essential instrument for protecting children, but K-12 …
century. Computer security is an essential instrument for protecting children, but K-12 …
Supply chain information integration and its impact on the operational performance of manufacturing firms in Malaysia
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of Supply Chain Information
Integration (SCII) on the Operational Performance of manufacturing firms in Malaysia …
Integration (SCII) on the Operational Performance of manufacturing firms in Malaysia …
[PDF][PDF] Theory and practice in secure software development lifecycle: A comprehensive survey
M Otieno, D Odera, JE Ounza - World Journal of Advanced …, 2023 - researchgate.net
Software development security refers to the practice of integrating security measures and
considerations throughout the software development lifecycle to ensure the confidentiality …
considerations throughout the software development lifecycle to ensure the confidentiality …
HEART-IS: A novel technique for evaluating human error-related information security incidents
Organisations continue to suffer information security incidents and breaches as a result of
human error even though humans are recognised as the weakest link with regard to …
human error even though humans are recognised as the weakest link with regard to …
[PDF][PDF] Mobile government adoption model based on combining GAM and UTAUT to explain factors according to adoption of mobile government services
This research examines the mobile-government services adoption, by combining both
UTAUT and GAM models with adding new constructs for explaining the key factors that affect …
UTAUT and GAM models with adding new constructs for explaining the key factors that affect …
Information security awareness in a develo** country context: insights from the government sector in Saudi Arabia
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to increase understanding of employee information
security awareness in a government sector setting and illuminate the problems that public …
security awareness in a government sector setting and illuminate the problems that public …