Large igneous provinces: crustal structure, dimensions, and external consequences

MF Coffin, O Eldholm - Reviews of Geophysics, 1994 - Wiley Online Library
Large igneous provinces (LIPs) are a continuum of voluminous iron and magnesium rich
rock emplacements which include continental flood basalts and associated intrusive rocks …

Continental and oceanic core complexes

DL Whitney, C Teyssier, P Rey, WR Buck - Bulletin, 2013 -
Core-complex formation driven by lithospheric extension is a first-order process of heat and
mass transfer in the Earth. Core-complex structures have been recognized in the continents …

[CARTE][B] Global geomorphology

MA Summerfield - 2014 -
The plate tectonics revolution in the earth sciences has provided a valuable new framework
for understanding long-term landform development. This innovative text provides a …

The evolving continents

BF Windley - Chichester, 1984 -
The earth's history is traced through the tectonic evolution of the continental crust from the
very beginning of the geological record, rather than by studying the stratigraphy of a …

Fission track analysis and its applications to geological problems

K Gallagher, R Brown, C Johnson - Annual Review of Earth and …, 1998 -
▪ Abstract Fission track analysis as a geological dating tool was first proposed in the early
1960s. The past 10 years has seen a major expansion in application to more general …

[CARTE][B] Global tectonics

P Kearey, KA Klepeis, FJ Vine - 2009 -
The third edition of this widely acclaimed textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to
all aspects of global tectonics, and includes major revisions to reflect the most significant …

Flexural rotation of normal faults

WR Buck - Tectonics, 1988 - Wiley Online Library
A conceptual model is proposed for the generation of low‐angle normal faults in
Metamorphic Core Complexes. The model is based on three assumptions:(1) the isostatic …

Geological evolution of the Red Sea: historical background, review, and synthesis

W Bosworth - The Red Sea: The formation, morphology …, 2015 - Springer
Abstract The Red Sea is part of an extensive rift system that includes from south to north the
oceanic Sheba Ridge, the Gulf of Aden, the Afar region, the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aqaba, the …

[PDF][PDF] Lithospheric architecture and tectonic evolution of the Canadian Appalachians and associated Atlantic margin

CR van Staal, SM Barr, JA Percival… - Tectonic styles in …, 2012 -
ABSTRACT The Canadian Appalachians are a segment of the long and narrow
Appalachian–Caledonian mountain belt, one of the Earth's classic orogens. The Canadian …

Tertiary—Quaternary extension-related alkaline magmatism in western and central Europe

M WILSON, H DOWNES - Journal of Petrology, 1991 -
Primitive mafic alkaline volcanic rocks from the Tertiary-Quaternary extension-related
magmatic province of western and central Europe have major and trace element and Sr–Nd …