Impact of climate change on acid mine drainage generation and contaminant transport in water ecosystems of semi-arid and arid mining areas
HM Anawar - Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts a/b/c, 2013 - Elsevier
Disposal of untreated and treated mining wastes and tailings exerts a significant threat and
hazard for environmental contamination including groundwater, surface water, wetlands …
hazard for environmental contamination including groundwater, surface water, wetlands …
Concrete damage due to oxidation of pyrrhotite-bearing aggregate: a review
J Duchesne, A Rodrigues, B Fournier - RILEM Technical Letters, 2021 - letters.rilem.net
Oxidation of pyrrhotite-bearing aggregates is one of the major causes of concrete damage in
numerous buildings in Trois-Rivières in Canada and Connecticut in the USA. In the …
numerous buildings in Trois-Rivières in Canada and Connecticut in the USA. In the …
A contribution to understanding the hardening process of cemented pastefill
Mine backfill has become a common practice in many modern mining operations around the
world. Pastefill is an innovative tailings management method that returns much of this waste …
world. Pastefill is an innovative tailings management method that returns much of this waste …
Measurement and prediction of the oxygen diffusion coefficient in unsaturated media, with applications to soil covers
M Aachib, M Mbonimpa, M Aubertin - Water, air, and soil pollution, 2004 - Springer
Molecular diffusion is an important mechanism for gas transport in various natural and man-
made systems. This is particularly the case with soil covers installed on acid-generating …
made systems. This is particularly the case with soil covers installed on acid-generating …
The behavior of inclined covers used as oxygen barriers
B Bussière, M Aubertin… - Canadian Geotechnical …, 2003 - cdnsciencepub.com
Covers with capillary barrier effects (CCBE) have been recently proposed as a viable option
for gas migration barriers. However, the effect of geometry on CCBE performance has not …
for gas migration barriers. However, the effect of geometry on CCBE performance has not …
Diffusion and consumption of oxygen in unsaturated cover materials
M Mbonimpa, M Aubertin, M Aachib… - Canadian …, 2003 - cdnsciencepub.com
Covers installed over waste disposal sites are used to control water and gas exchanges with
the surrounding environment. One example involves covers built to limit oxygen flux to …
the surrounding environment. One example involves covers built to limit oxygen flux to …
A laboratory study of covers made of low-sulphide tailings to prevent acid mine drainage
B Bussière, M Benzaazoua, M Aubertin… - Environmental …, 2004 - Springer
Covers with capillary barrier effects (CCBE) are considered to be one of the most effective
ways to control acid mine drainage (AMD) production from mine wastes. The use of low …
ways to control acid mine drainage (AMD) production from mine wastes. The use of low …
Biogeochemistry of metal sulfide oxidation in mining environments, sediments, and soils
A Schippers - 2004 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Metal sulfide oxidation is an important process in the past and present global
biogeochemical sulfur cycles. In this process, various sulfur compounds, namely elemental …
biogeochemical sulfur cycles. In this process, various sulfur compounds, namely elemental …
Use of acid mine drainage treatment sludge by combination with a natural soil as an oxygen barrier cover for mine waste reclamation: Laboratory column tests and …
Acid mine drainage (AMD) is often treated using active lime treatment, which generates a
significant amount of sludge that contains mainly metal hydroxide precipitates, calcium …
significant amount of sludge that contains mainly metal hydroxide precipitates, calcium …
Field determination of sulphide oxidation rates in mine tailings
B Elberling, RV Nicholson - Water Resources Research, 1996 - Wiley Online Library
A field study was conducted to assess the rates of oxygen consumption in the vadose zone
of sulphide mine tailings. Oxygen uptake rates were measured directly at the ground surface …
of sulphide mine tailings. Oxygen uptake rates were measured directly at the ground surface …