Creating wildlife habitat using artificial structures: a review of their efficacy and potential use in solar farms
The biodiversity crisis is exacerbated by a growing human population modifying nearly three‐
quarters of the Earth's land surface area for anthropogenic uses. Habitat loss and …
quarters of the Earth's land surface area for anthropogenic uses. Habitat loss and …
Should I stay or should I go: the effect of avian brood parasitism on host fledging dynamics
Transitions between life history stages are fitness-limiting events that depend on
environmental and individual characteristics. For altricial birds, fledging from the nest is a …
environmental and individual characteristics. For altricial birds, fledging from the nest is a …
Manipulated sex ratios alter group structure and cooperation in the brown-headed nuthatch
A biased adult sex ratio (ASR) can influence cooperative breeding behavior if the bias limits
mating opportunities for the more abundant sex. We tested predictions associated with the …
mating opportunities for the more abundant sex. We tested predictions associated with the …
Conspecific brood parasitism among birds: the effects of phylogeny, mode of reproduction and geographic distribution
We updated the list of species for which conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) has been
reported, and it contained 256 species. We used this list to examine the effects of four factors …
reported, and it contained 256 species. We used this list to examine the effects of four factors …
Pedigree simulations reveal that maternity assignment is reliable in populations with conspecific brood parasitism, incomplete parental sampling and kin structure
Modern genetic parentage methods reveal that alternative reproductive strategies are
common in both males and females. Under ideal conditions, genetic methods accurately …
common in both males and females. Under ideal conditions, genetic methods accurately …
Costs and response to conspecific brood parasitism by colonial red-breasted mergansers
SR Craik, RD Titman, JPL Savard, M Kaouass… - Journal of Ethology, 2018 - Springer
Costs of conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) are expected to be influenced by a species' life
history traits. Precocial birds lay large clutches, and clutches that have been enlarged by …
history traits. Precocial birds lay large clutches, and clutches that have been enlarged by …
Prothonotary Warbler nestlings fledge from mixed broods following nest takeovers by Tree Swallows
SL Rogers, TN Parlow, J Kacmarcik, R Reilly… - Northeastern …, 2020 - BioOne
Interspecific nest-site competition among secondary cavity nesters can lead to nest-takeover
events resulting in mixed broods. The nestlings of the smaller species in these mixed broods …
events resulting in mixed broods. The nestlings of the smaller species in these mixed broods …
A novel case of interspecific brood parasitism by the Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea)
JK Dodson, MJ Scerbicke, AR Hall… - The Wilson Journal of …, 2024 - meridian.allenpress.com
Secondary cavity-nesting species must find natural cavities or artificial nest boxes to
reproduce. Cavities are often limited, which results in intense interference competition …
reproduce. Cavities are often limited, which results in intense interference competition …
No evidence for a negative effect of conspecific brood parasitism on annual survival of female Prothonotary Warblers
Species that provide intensive parental care could suffer fitness costs associated with
conspecific brood parasitism. Here we evaluate the effect of conspecific brood parasitism on …
conspecific brood parasitism. Here we evaluate the effect of conspecific brood parasitism on …
Host recognition and fitness costs of avian brood parasitism
H Scharf - 2023 - ideals.illinois.edu
One of the richest opportunities for studying coevolution comes from obligate brood
parasitism, a unique reproductive strategy performed by only 1% of the world's bird species …
parasitism, a unique reproductive strategy performed by only 1% of the world's bird species …