Corporate governance and firm performance: Empirical evidence from Jordan
Purpose This study aims to assess the effect of director board and audit committee attributes
and ownership structure on firm performance. In general, resource dependency and agency …
and ownership structure on firm performance. In general, resource dependency and agency …
Does board gender diversity matter? Evidence from hostile takeover vulnerability
Purpose Theory suggests that the market for corporate control, which constitutes an
important external governance mechanism, may substitute for internal governance …
important external governance mechanism, may substitute for internal governance …
ESG investing and the financial performance: a panel data analysis of developed REIT markets
This study investigates the empirical link between the social and financial performance of
the Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) by utilizing the PVAR-Granger causality model …
the Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) by utilizing the PVAR-Granger causality model …
[HTML][HTML] Gender influence, social responsibility and governance in performance
Purpose This paper aims to analyze the influence of gender diversity on the relationship
between corporate social responsibility (CSR), corporate governance (CG) and economic …
between corporate social responsibility (CSR), corporate governance (CG) and economic …
Leveraging corporate governance characteristics for stock crash risk assessment
Causing considerable losses for individual investors, stock crashes are also potential
triggers for wider financial crises. In contrast to existing research that primarily focuses on …
triggers for wider financial crises. In contrast to existing research that primarily focuses on …
[KNYGA][B] Mergers and acquisitions and executive compensation
V Bodolica, M Spraggon - 2015 -
Over the past decades, the total value of executive compensation packages has been rising
dramatically, contributing to a wider pay gap between the chief executive officer and the …
dramatically, contributing to a wider pay gap between the chief executive officer and the …
Influência do board interlocking no gerenciamento de resultados
RESUMO A participação de um conselheiro em mais de um conselho de administração é
denominada de board interlocking. Tal fenômeno contribui para a disseminação de práticas …
denominada de board interlocking. Tal fenômeno contribui para a disseminação de práticas …
Corporate governance and executive compensation: do they impact on operating performance and valuation of real estate firms?
Purpose Corporate governance principles are living a positive momentum in light of the
megatrends resha** the world. An effective company based on sound governance …
megatrends resha** the world. An effective company based on sound governance …
Financial flexibility and manager–shareholder conflict: Evidence from REITs
Abstract Using equity Real Estate Investment Trust data, we show empirically that the use of
unsecured debt, which contains standardized covenants that place limits on total leverage …
unsecured debt, which contains standardized covenants that place limits on total leverage …
A review and extension of merger and acquisition research between REITs and general corporations
We review the key differences between the finance and real estate literature on mergers and
acquisitions (M&As) from 1980 to 2016. We summarize the differences in M&As between …
acquisitions (M&As) from 1980 to 2016. We summarize the differences in M&As between …