Process mining for healthcare: Characteristics and challenges
Process mining techniques can be used to analyse business processes using the data
logged during their execution. These techniques are leveraged in a wide range of domains …
logged during their execution. These techniques are leveraged in a wide range of domains …
[PDF][PDF] AI-driven threat detection and response: A paradigm shift in cybersecurity
A Yaseen - International Journal of Information and Cybersecurity, 2023 - researchgate.net
The research paper delves into the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) in
revolutionizing cybersecurity. This study examines the historical context and evolution of AI …
revolutionizing cybersecurity. This study examines the historical context and evolution of AI …
ProcessGAN: Supporting the creation of business process improvement ideas through generative machine learning
Business processes are a key driver of organizational success, which is why business
process improvement (BPI) is a central activity of business process management. Despite an …
process improvement (BPI) is a central activity of business process management. Despite an …
Process mining: software comparison, trends, and challenges
O Loyola-Gonzalez - International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 2023 - Springer
Process mining is the confluence between data mining and business process management,
which is a growing and promising research topic. From process execution event logs …
which is a growing and promising research topic. From process execution event logs …
Automated process discovery from event logs in BIM construction projects
To fully understand how a construction project actually proceeds, a novel framework for
automated process discovery from building information modeling (BIM) event logs is …
automated process discovery from building information modeling (BIM) event logs is …
[PDF][PDF] Foundations of process event data
Process event data is a fundamental building block for process mining as event logs portray
the execution trails of business processes from which knowledge and insights can be …
the execution trails of business processes from which knowledge and insights can be …
Process-data quality: the true frontier of process mining
Since its emergence over two decades ago, process mining has flourished as a discipline,
with numerous contributions to its theory, widespread practical applications, and mature …
with numerous contributions to its theory, widespread practical applications, and mature …
[HTML][HTML] How can interactive process discovery address data quality issues in real business settings? Evidence from a case study in healthcare
The focus of this paper is on how data quality can affect business process discovery in real
complex environments, which is a major factor determining the success in any data-driven …
complex environments, which is a major factor determining the success in any data-driven …
Enhancing event log quality: Detecting and quantifying timestamp imperfections
Timestamp information recorded in event logs plays a crucial role in uncovering meaningful
insights into business process performance and behaviour via Process Mining techniques …
insights into business process performance and behaviour via Process Mining techniques …
Shedding light on blind spots–develo** a reference architecture to leverage video data for process mining
Process mining is one of the most active research streams in business process
management. In recent years, numerous methods have been proposed for analyzing …
management. In recent years, numerous methods have been proposed for analyzing …