Process mining for healthcare: Characteristics and challenges

J Munoz-Gama, N Martin, C Fernandez-Llatas… - Journal of Biomedical …, 2022 - Elsevier
Process mining techniques can be used to analyse business processes using the data
logged during their execution. These techniques are leveraged in a wide range of domains …

[PDF][PDF] AI-driven threat detection and response: A paradigm shift in cybersecurity

A Yaseen - International Journal of Information and Cybersecurity, 2023 -
The research paper delves into the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) in
revolutionizing cybersecurity. This study examines the historical context and evolution of AI …

ProcessGAN: Supporting the creation of business process improvement ideas through generative machine learning

C van Dun, L Moder, W Kratsch, M Röglinger - Decision Support Systems, 2023 - Elsevier
Business processes are a key driver of organizational success, which is why business
process improvement (BPI) is a central activity of business process management. Despite an …

Process mining: software comparison, trends, and challenges

O Loyola-Gonzalez - International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 2023 - Springer
Process mining is the confluence between data mining and business process management,
which is a growing and promising research topic. From process execution event logs …

Automated process discovery from event logs in BIM construction projects

Y Pan, L Zhang - Automation in Construction, 2021 - Elsevier
To fully understand how a construction project actually proceeds, a novel framework for
automated process discovery from building information modeling (BIM) event logs is …

[PDF][PDF] Foundations of process event data

J De Weerdt, MT Wynn - Process mining handbook, 2022 -
Process event data is a fundamental building block for process mining as event logs portray
the execution trails of business processes from which knowledge and insights can be …

Process-data quality: the true frontier of process mining

AHM Ter Hofstede, A Koschmider, A Marrella… - ACM Journal of Data …, 2023 -
Since its emergence over two decades ago, process mining has flourished as a discipline,
with numerous contributions to its theory, widespread practical applications, and mature …

[HTML][HTML] How can interactive process discovery address data quality issues in real business settings? Evidence from a case study in healthcare

E Benevento, D Aloini, WMP van der Aalst - Journal of Biomedical …, 2022 - Elsevier
The focus of this paper is on how data quality can affect business process discovery in real
complex environments, which is a major factor determining the success in any data-driven …

Enhancing event log quality: Detecting and quantifying timestamp imperfections

DA Fischer, K Goel, R Andrews, CGJ van Dun… - … Conference, BPM 2020 …, 2020 - Springer
Timestamp information recorded in event logs plays a crucial role in uncovering meaningful
insights into business process performance and behaviour via Process Mining techniques …

Shedding light on blind spots–develo** a reference architecture to leverage video data for process mining

W Kratsch, F König, M Röglinger - Decision Support Systems, 2022 - Elsevier
Process mining is one of the most active research streams in business process
management. In recent years, numerous methods have been proposed for analyzing …