GRSTAPS: Graphically recursive simultaneous task allocation, planning, and scheduling
Effective deployment of multi-robot teams requires solving several interdependent problems
at varying levels of abstraction. Specifically, heterogeneous multi-robot systems must …
at varying levels of abstraction. Specifically, heterogeneous multi-robot systems must …
HTN planning as heuristic progression search
The majority of search-based HTN planning systems can be divided into those searching a
space of partial plans (a plan space) and those performing progression search, ie, that build …
space of partial plans (a plan space) and those performing progression search, ie, that build …
D-ITAGS: A dynamic interleaved approach to resilient task allocation, scheduling, and motion planning
G Neville, S Chernova… - IEEE Robotics and …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Complex, multi-task missions require the coordination of heterogeneous robots at multiple
inter-connected levels, such as coalition formation, scheduling, and motion planning. This …
inter-connected levels, such as coalition formation, scheduling, and motion planning. This …
FAPE: a constraint-based planner for generative and hierarchical temporal planning
Temporal planning offers numerous advantages when based on an expressive
representation. Timelines have been known to provide the required expressiveness but at …
representation. Timelines have been known to provide the required expressiveness but at …
More than a name? On implications of preconditions and effects of compound HTN planning tasks
There are several formalizations for hierarchical planning. Many of them allow to specify
preconditions and effects for compound tasks. They can be used, eg, to assist during the …
preconditions and effects for compound tasks. They can be used, eg, to assist during the …
An interleaved approach to trait-based task allocation and scheduling
To realize effective heterogeneous multi-robot teams, researchers must leverage individual
robots' relative strengths and coordinate their individual behaviors. Specifically …
robots' relative strengths and coordinate their individual behaviors. Specifically …
Hybrid planning and distributed iterative repair for multi-robot missions with communication losses
P Bechon, C Lesire, M Barbier - Autonomous Robots, 2020 - Springer
This paper presents a planning and execution architecture suited for the initial planning, the
execution and the on-board repair of a plan for a multi-robot mission. The team as a whole …
execution and the on-board repair of a plan for a multi-robot mission. The team as a whole …
PYHIPOP-Hierarchical Partial-Order Planner
pyHiPOP is a hierarchical partial-order planner, aimed at solving Hierarchical Task Network
(HTN) planning problems. The current planner version is a re-coding of a version originally …
(HTN) planning problems. The current planner version is a re-coding of a version originally …
[HTML][HTML] Recovery planning of industrial robots based on semantic information of failures and time-dependent utility
S Matsuoka, T Sawaragi - Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2022 - Elsevier
Industrial robots are required to recover from temporary errors and continue operations
under a changing environment. In this paper, we propose a recovery planning system that …
under a changing environment. In this paper, we propose a recovery planning system that …
Hierarchical task network-enhanced multi-agent reinforcement learning: Toward efficient cooperative strategies
Navigating multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) environments with sparse rewards is
notoriously difficult, particularly in suboptimal settings where exploration can be prematurely …
notoriously difficult, particularly in suboptimal settings where exploration can be prematurely …