Project portfolio selection problems: a review of models, uncertainty approaches, solution techniques, and case studies
V Mohagheghi, SM Mousavi, J Antuchevičienė… - 2019 - etalpykla.vilniustech.lt
Project portfolio selection has been the focus of many scholars in the last two decades. The
number of studies on the strategic process has significantly increased over the past decade …
number of studies on the strategic process has significantly increased over the past decade …
A new dynamic two-stage mathematical programming model under uncertainty for project evaluation and selection
Project portfolio evaluation and selection is a complex task involving an exhaustive
assessment of competing projects with interdependencies and synergies based on multiple …
assessment of competing projects with interdependencies and synergies based on multiple …
Project portfolio selection problems: Two decades review from 1999 to 2019
V Mohagheghi, S Meysam Mousavi… - Journal of Intelligent …, 2020 - content.iospress.com
Project portfolio selection (PSP) problems have been explored for more than two decades.
As a result, in the last two decades, the literature of PSP has experienced a sharp increase …
As a result, in the last two decades, the literature of PSP has experienced a sharp increase …
Metaheuristics for order picking optimisation: a comparison among three swarm-intelligence algorithms
Abstract Nowadays, the Order Picking Problem (OPP) represents the most costly and time-
consuming operation of warehouse management, with an average ranging from 50 to 75 …
consuming operation of warehouse management, with an average ranging from 50 to 75 …
Interdependent Projects selection with preference incorporation
Abstract The Project Portfolio Problem (PPP) has been solved through different approaches.
The success of some of them is related to a proper application of the decision-maker's …
The success of some of them is related to a proper application of the decision-maker's …
Preference incorporation into evolutionary multiobjective optimization using a multi-criteria evaluation method
Most approaches in the evolutionary multiobjective optimization literature concentrate
mainly on generating an approximation of the Pareto front. However, this does not …
mainly on generating an approximation of the Pareto front. However, this does not …
Development of multi-objective optimization model for project portfolio selection using a hybrid method
AO Mogbojuri - 2024 - openscholar.dut.ac.za
Selecting inappropriate projects and project portfolios can result in irreversible wasted
economic opportunities, reduced manpower value, and missed prospects and other …
economic opportunities, reduced manpower value, and missed prospects and other …
Seleção de portfólio de projetos com método FITradeoff: uma abordagem considerando análise combinatorial
AC MARQUES - 2024 - bdtd.ibict.br
O atual cenário global, marcado por escassez de recursos, incertezas e desafios na gestão
de múltiplos critérios, frequentemente está associado à complexidade da seleção de …
de múltiplos critérios, frequentemente está associado à complexidade da seleção de …
The dynamic portfolio selection problem: complexity, algorithms and empirical analysis
DA Martínez-Vega, L Cruz-Reyes… - Intuitionistic and Type-2 …, 2020 - Springer
In the real world, problems usually involve a characteristic that is not typically considered
when experimenting algorithmically; this characteristic is the change concerning time. The …
when experimenting algorithmically; this characteristic is the change concerning time. The …
Improvement of the optimization of an order picking model associated with the components of a classic volkswagen beetle using an ant colony approach
Warehouse operations, specifically order picking process, are receiving close attention of
researches due to the need of companies in minimizing operational costs. This chapter …
researches due to the need of companies in minimizing operational costs. This chapter …