Incentive initiatives on energy-efficient renovation of existing buildings towards carbon–neutral blueprints in China: Advancements, challenges and prospects
Under China's national strategy of carbon neutrality by 2060, it is urgently necessary and
challenging for the governments to proactively explore policy tools to facilitate energy …
challenging for the governments to proactively explore policy tools to facilitate energy …
Non-destructive techniques (NDT) for the diagnosis of heritage buildings: Traditional procedures and futures perspectives
It is estimated that EU cultural heritage (CH) buildings represent 30% of the total existing
stock. Nevertheless, all actions in terms of refurbishment need a deep knowledge based on …
stock. Nevertheless, all actions in terms of refurbishment need a deep knowledge based on …
Natural ventilation in vernacular architecture: A systematic review of bioclimatic ventilation design and its performance evaluation
The natural ventilation strategies employed in vernacular architecture have attracted
considerable research interest in the context of sustainable development, primarily due to …
considerable research interest in the context of sustainable development, primarily due to …
Barriers to BIM implementation in architecture, construction, and engineering projects—The polish study
BIM (building information modeling) is a kind of technology that has great potential to
enhance the level of automation in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) …
enhance the level of automation in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) …
Heritage building maintenance management (HBMM): A bibliometric-qualitative analysis of literature
Heritage buildings (HBs), which are unique landmarks across the world, have special
cultural significance. However, many of the HBs, in lack of proper maintenance …
cultural significance. However, many of the HBs, in lack of proper maintenance …
Validation of dynamic hygrothermal simulation models for historical buildings: State of the art, research challenges and recommendations
The proper simulation of the hygrothermal behaviour of historical buildings is a challenging
task with several implications regarding the evaluation of indoor thermal comfort and the …
task with several implications regarding the evaluation of indoor thermal comfort and the …
A comparative thermoeconomic analysis of fourth generation and fifth generation district heating and cooling networks
The energy refurbishment of residential heating and cooling systems is crucial to achieve
the carbon neutrality expected by 2050. In this framework, many researchers are develo** …
the carbon neutrality expected by 2050. In this framework, many researchers are develo** …
Optimal energy retrofit plan for conservation and sustainable use of historic campus building: Case of cultural property building
In the past several decades, global population growth and rapid economic development
have resulted in significant increases in building energy consumption. To reduce green …
have resulted in significant increases in building energy consumption. To reduce green …
Conservation-compatible retrofit solutions in historic buildings: An integrated approach
Historic, listed, or unlisted, buildings account for 30% of the European building stock. Since
they are complex systems of cultural, architectural, and identity value, they need particular …
they are complex systems of cultural, architectural, and identity value, they need particular …
Urban building energy model: Database development, validation, and application for commercial building stock
Achieving citywide building energy reduction goals require extensive understanding of
energy use at scale, which is challenging due to scarce and disparate data. Despite …
energy use at scale, which is challenging due to scarce and disparate data. Despite …