Develo** the integrated marketing communication (imc) through social media (sm): the modern marketing communication approach
The increased usage of social media forced the brands to integrate social media in their
marketing communication channel, as it becomes the need of the hour, as it determines …
marketing communication channel, as it becomes the need of the hour, as it determines …
Toward a theory of outside-in marketing: Past, present, and future
Outside-in marketing is a powerful driver of superior firm performance, especially for firms in
dynamic, competitive markets. The use and application of outside-in marketing has …
dynamic, competitive markets. The use and application of outside-in marketing has …
Driving consumer–brand engagement and co-creation by brand interactivity
Purpose This paper investigates the impact of brand interactivity within social media on
consumer–brand engagement and its related outcomes, including consumers' intention of …
consumer–brand engagement and its related outcomes, including consumers' intention of …
The impact of influencers' multi-SNS use on followers' behavioral intentions: An integration of cue consistency theory and social identity theory
JK Hsieh - Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2023 - Elsevier
The considerable marketing potential brought by the rapid growth of social media has been
extensively examined in the literature, particularly in terms of the impact of influencers' …
extensively examined in the literature, particularly in terms of the impact of influencers' …
[PDF][PDF] Integrating social media and digital media as new elements of integrated marketing communication for creating brand equity
Communication with target prospects results cost to the company. In this highly competitive
environment all marketers work on cutting cost. They try to allocate their marketing budget …
environment all marketers work on cutting cost. They try to allocate their marketing budget …
Driving COBRAs: the power of social media marketing
Purpose This study aims to examine the impact of social media marketing (SMM) efforts,
including entertainment, customisation, interaction and trendiness via WeChat, on …
including entertainment, customisation, interaction and trendiness via WeChat, on …
Trust and commitment within a virtual brand community: The mediating role of brand relationship quality
This study seeks to clarify the antecedents and consequences of trust and commitment
within the brand fan page context on Facebook, examining a sample of 210 respondents …
within the brand fan page context on Facebook, examining a sample of 210 respondents …
Consumer engagement on social media: Evidence from small retailers
E Devereux, L Grimmer… - Journal of Consumer …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
This study investigates which characteristics of the social media posts of small firms in
Tasmania, Australia elicit higher levels of consumer engagement. Results from an analysis …
Tasmania, Australia elicit higher levels of consumer engagement. Results from an analysis …
[KNJIGA][B] Integrated marketing communication: advertising and promotion in a digital world
JM Juska - 2021 -
Now in its second edition, this textbook explores the continuing transformation of advertising,
sales promotion, and public relations functions within the marketing discipline. The content …
sales promotion, and public relations functions within the marketing discipline. The content …
Why and how are social media used in a B2B context, and which stakeholders are involved?
S Andersson, N Wikström - Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2017 -
Purpose This study aims to explore why and how business-to-business (B2B) companies
use social media and which users and stakeholders they communicate with …
use social media and which users and stakeholders they communicate with …