Brain wave modulation and EEG power changes during auditory beats stimulation
Auditory beats stimulation (ABS) has received increased attention for its potential to
modulate neural oscillations through a phenomenon described as brain entrainment (ie …
modulate neural oscillations through a phenomenon described as brain entrainment (ie …
Review of sEMG-based motion intent recognition methods in non-ideal conditions
LI Zi-You, Z **n-Gang, Z Bi, D Qi-Chuan… - Acta Automatica …, 2021 - aas.net.cn
In sEMG (surface electromyography)-based recognition, most studies are currently focusing
on improving recognition accuracies. While in real applications, sEMG-based recognition …
on improving recognition accuracies. While in real applications, sEMG-based recognition …
[HTML][HTML] An ultra-low power surface EMG sensor for wearable biometric and medical applications
YD Wu, SJ Ruan, YH Lee - Biosensors, 2021 - mdpi.com
In recent years, the surface electromyography (EMG) signal has received a lot of attention.
EMG signals are used to analyze muscle activity or to evaluate a patient's muscle status …
EMG signals are used to analyze muscle activity or to evaluate a patient's muscle status …
**自由, 赵新刚, 张弼, 丁其川, 张道辉, **建达 - 自动化学报, 2021 - aas.net.cn
在基于表面肌电信号(Surface electromyography, sEMG) 的意图识别研究领域,
目前大多数的研究主要集中在提高肌电识别的准确性方面. 然而, 在实际应用中, 基于sEMG …
目前大多数的研究主要集中在提高肌电识别的准确性方面. 然而, 在实际应用中, 基于sEMG …
Reducing Power Line Interference from sEMG Signals Based on Synchrosqueezed Wavelet Transform
J Chen, Y Sun, S Sun, Z Yao - Sensors, 2023 - mdpi.com
Power line interference (PLI) is a major source of noise in sEMG signals. As the bandwidth
of PLI overlaps with the sEMG signals, it can easily affect the interpretation of the signal. The …
of PLI overlaps with the sEMG signals, it can easily affect the interpretation of the signal. The …
Arm movements recognition by implementing cnn on microcontrollers
S Qin, J Zhang, H Shen, Y Wang - 2021 9th international …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Surface electromyography is a technique mainly used to detect hand movements to help
patients regain control over their fingers or manipulate prosthetic arms. This body signal …
patients regain control over their fingers or manipulate prosthetic arms. This body signal …
A Miniaturized Flexible Surface Electromyography Sensor With an Integrated Localization Concept
S Balbach, J Kolpak, C Dorn, S Brückner… - IEEE Microwave …, 2025 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Recent developments in sensor technology have allowed researchers to investigate the
potential of using human movement measurements for unobtrusive diagnosis and …
potential of using human movement measurements for unobtrusive diagnosis and …
Electromyography-Based Biomechanical Cybernetic Control of a Robotic Fish Avatar
MA Montoya Martínez, R Torres-Córdoba, E Magid… - Machines, 2024 - mdpi.com
This study introduces a cybernetic control and architectural framework for a robotic fish
avatar operated by a human. The behavior of the robot fish is influenced by the …
avatar operated by a human. The behavior of the robot fish is influenced by the …
Implementation of different techniques for removing artifacts in diaphragmatic SEMG, and evaluation of these in automatic and online applications
DA Valle, AM Hernández - Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
Respiratory muscles superficial electromyography (SEMG) is an important source of
information in the monitoring of ventilated patients. One of the main problems in the …
information in the monitoring of ventilated patients. One of the main problems in the …
Digital filtering using multipliers on intelligence extraction and power-line removal from electromyogram signals
S Aathilakshmi, AKR Britto… - Journal of Medical …, 2020 - ingentaconnect.com
In recent years, in the era of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) domain, full-custom layout
designs, Intellectual Property (IP) cores, Silicon on Chip (SoC) designs, and the Field …
designs, Intellectual Property (IP) cores, Silicon on Chip (SoC) designs, and the Field …