[PDF][PDF] Effect of Manuka honey administration on malondialdehyde, in intense exercise
R Jurcău, I Jurcău - Palest. Third Millenn. Civ. Sport, 2017 - pm3.ro
Background. Honey is known for its many beneficial effects on health, including its
antioxidant benefits. Aims. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of Manuka …
antioxidant benefits. Aims. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of Manuka …
Influence of moderate physical exertion on subacute low back pain, after Symphytum officinale ointment treatment.
R Jurcău, I Jurcău - … of the Third Millennium Civilization & …, 2013 - search.ebscohost.com
Premize. Durerea lombară are importanță medicală, psiho-emotională și socială. În
prezent, se pune tot mai mult acccent pe fitoterapia durerii. Dintre plante, Symphytum …
prezent, se pune tot mai mult acccent pe fitoterapia durerii. Dintre plante, Symphytum …
Influence of a green tea extract product on oxidative stress and muscle fatigue sensation in sedentary people subjected to physical exercise.
R Jurcău, I Jurcău - … of the Third Millennium Civilization & …, 2013 - search.ebscohost.com
Background. The effect of green tea extract (GTE) on oxidative stress and on the fatigue
state is a constant concern of research. Aims. The aim is to assess the influence of GTE on …
state is a constant concern of research. Aims. The aim is to assess the influence of GTE on …
Relationship between plant supplements and sports-from the perspective of PubMed publications.
R Jurcău, I Jurcău - … of the Third Millennium Civilization & …, 2014 - search.ebscohost.com
English Background. Plant supplements (PS) are more and more often used in sport (S), as
well as in the profile research area. Aims. The aim was the evaluation of the PS+ S …
well as in the profile research area. Aims. The aim was the evaluation of the PS+ S …
Cocoa and chocolate, importance of their anti-stress action from PubMed publications perspective
Background. Cocoa and chocolate is a subject of interest in daily lives of many people, but
especially in recent years, and research topic due to their beneficial effects already proven …
especially in recent years, and research topic due to their beneficial effects already proven …
[PDF][PDF] Effect of Panax Ginseng and Dong Quai Products, in Acute Physical Stress
R Jurcău, I Jurcău, DH Kwak, N Colceriu… - The impact of Sport …, 2018 - researchgate.net
Abstract Background. Panax Ginseng (PG), and Angelica sinensis, also called female
ginseng or Dong Quai (DQ) are well known for their adaptive role. Objectives. The objective …
ginseng or Dong Quai (DQ) are well known for their adaptive role. Objectives. The objective …
[PDF][PDF] Relationship between citrus and stress, citrus and oxidative stress: a short synthesis
R Jurcău, I Jurcău - Health, Sports & Rehabilitation Medicine, 2010 - jhsrm.org
Background. Citrus fruits are beneficial in the fight against all forms of stress, predominating
antioxidative actions. Aims. The objective was to highlight the relationship between citrus …
antioxidative actions. Aims. The objective was to highlight the relationship between citrus …
[PDF][PDF] Relationship between plant supplements and sports-from the perspective of PubMed publications Relaţia dintre suplimentele din plante şi sport-din perspectiva …
R Jurcău, I Jurcău - PALESTRICA MILENIULUI III, 2010 - pm3.ro
Premize. Suplimentele din plante (SP) sunt tot mai frecvent utilizate în sport (S), precum şi în
cercetarea de profil. Obiective. Scopul a fost evaluarea a relaţiei SP+ S, prin analiza …
cercetarea de profil. Obiective. Scopul a fost evaluarea a relaţiei SP+ S, prin analiza …
R JURCĂU, I JURCĂU - J Sports Sci, 2010 - ceeol.com
Evaluarea stresului de efort fizic a fost realizată pentru variate tipuri de sport. Factorii
asociați stresului sportiv sunt și ei multipli. În cazul sporturilor competitive, sportivii …
asociați stresului sportiv sunt și ei multipli. În cazul sporturilor competitive, sportivii …
[PDF][PDF] Influence of moderate physical exertion on subacute low back pain, after Symphytum officinale ointment treatment Influența efortului fizic moderat asupra …
R Jurcău, I Jurcău - PALESTRICA MILENIULUI III, 2010 - pm3.ro
Premize. Durerea lombară are importanță medicală, psiho-emotională și socială. În
prezent, se pune tot mai mult acccent pe fitoterapia durerii. Dintre plante, Symphytum …
prezent, se pune tot mai mult acccent pe fitoterapia durerii. Dintre plante, Symphytum …