Constrained interleaving for 5G wireless and optical transport networks
JP Fonseka, EM Dowling - US Patent 9,564,927, 2017 - Google Patents
US9564927B2 - Constrained interleaving for 5G wireless and optical transport networks -
Google Patents US9564927B2 - Constrained interleaving for 5G wireless and optical transport …
Google Patents US9564927B2 - Constrained interleaving for 5G wireless and optical transport …
Constrained interleaved coded modulation
Y Hu, JP Fonseka, EM Dowling - IEEE Transactions on …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Constrained interleaved coded modulation (CICM) is introduced to map coded bits onto
higher order signal constellations. A reverse Gray coding (RGC) constellation map** …
higher order signal constellations. A reverse Gray coding (RGC) constellation map** …
Constrained turbo product and block-convolutional codes in wireless applications
Y Hu, JP Fonseka, Y Bo, EM Dowling… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Constrained interleavers are used in constrained turbo product codes (CTPCs) and
constrained turbo block-convolutional (CTBC) codes. The constrained interleaver delivers …
constrained turbo block-convolutional (CTBC) codes. The constrained interleaver delivers …
Polar Reed-Solomon concatenated codes for optical communications
Y Ertuğrul - 2020 - search.proquest.com
A concatenated forward error correcting (FEC) code is developed by targeting optical
communications. Polar and product Reed-Solomon (RS) codes are used as inner and outer …
communications. Polar and product Reed-Solomon (RS) codes are used as inner and outer …
[SÁCH][B] Interleaver Design and Throughput Enhancement Technique
Y Bo - 2019 - search.proquest.com
In constrained interleaving (CI), the flexibility of the frame size is limited and the interleaving
gain is lowered as the number of rows increases because of the row/column structure of …
gain is lowered as the number of rows increases because of the row/column structure of …
Performance Analysis Of Product Code Using TLDPC And SCCI-Turbo Codes Over Fading Channels
In this modern information era, network size and users are increasing day by day. The
development of communication systems evolved to digital format from analog format …
development of communication systems evolved to digital format from analog format …
Analysis and Treatment of Common Faults in OTN System Equipment
C Qi, H Xu, Y Wan, Y Zhang, H Duan… - The Proceedings of the 9th …, 2021 - Springer
As a transmission system with large capacity and suitable for many types of services, the
dense wavelength division system makes up for the shortcomings of the traditional …
dense wavelength division system makes up for the shortcomings of the traditional …
R MOHAMAD - 2016 - psasir.upm.edu.my
A leading candidate of forward error correction (FEC) codes for superior performance near
the Shannon capacity limit was introduced by Berrou et. al [1, 2], and it is known as turbo …
the Shannon capacity limit was introduced by Berrou et. al [1, 2], and it is known as turbo …
[SÁCH][B] Applications of improved constrained interleaving in wireless communications
Y Hu - 2016 - search.proquest.com
Constrained interleaving (CI), which is referred to as traditional CI, has been used in
constructing constrained turbo product codes (CTPCs) and constrained turbo block …
constructing constrained turbo product codes (CTPCs) and constrained turbo block …
[SÁCH][B] Applications of constrained turbo block convolutional codes
SI Han - 2014 - search.proquest.com
Serial concatenation can generate low complex powerful codes. Interleaver in a serially
concatenated code (SCC) plays a very important role in determining the performance …
concatenated code (SCC) plays a very important role in determining the performance …