Constrained interleaving for 5G wireless and optical transport networks

JP Fonseka, EM Dowling - US Patent 9,564,927, 2017 - Google Patents
US9564927B2 - Constrained interleaving for 5G wireless and optical transport networks -
Google Patents US9564927B2 - Constrained interleaving for 5G wireless and optical transport …

Constrained interleaved coded modulation

Y Hu, JP Fonseka, EM Dowling - IEEE Transactions on …, 2016 -
Constrained interleaved coded modulation (CICM) is introduced to map coded bits onto
higher order signal constellations. A reverse Gray coding (RGC) constellation map** …

Constrained turbo product and block-convolutional codes in wireless applications

Y Hu, JP Fonseka, Y Bo, EM Dowling… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2016 -
Constrained interleavers are used in constrained turbo product codes (CTPCs) and
constrained turbo block-convolutional (CTBC) codes. The constrained interleaver delivers …

Polar Reed-Solomon concatenated codes for optical communications

Y Ertuğrul - 2020 -
A concatenated forward error correcting (FEC) code is developed by targeting optical
communications. Polar and product Reed-Solomon (RS) codes are used as inner and outer …

[SÁCH][B] Interleaver Design and Throughput Enhancement Technique

Y Bo - 2019 -
In constrained interleaving (CI), the flexibility of the frame size is limited and the interleaving
gain is lowered as the number of rows increases because of the row/column structure of …

Performance Analysis Of Product Code Using TLDPC And SCCI-Turbo Codes Over Fading Channels

S Kamalakannan, DP Kalpana - Int. J. of Aquatic …, 2021 -
In this modern information era, network size and users are increasing day by day. The
development of communication systems evolved to digital format from analog format …

Analysis and Treatment of Common Faults in OTN System Equipment

C Qi, H Xu, Y Wan, Y Zhang, H Duan… - The Proceedings of the 9th …, 2021 - Springer
As a transmission system with large capacity and suitable for many types of services, the
dense wavelength division system makes up for the shortcomings of the traditional …


R MOHAMAD - 2016 -
A leading candidate of forward error correction (FEC) codes for superior performance near
the Shannon capacity limit was introduced by Berrou et. al [1, 2], and it is known as turbo …

[SÁCH][B] Applications of improved constrained interleaving in wireless communications

Y Hu - 2016 -
Constrained interleaving (CI), which is referred to as traditional CI, has been used in
constructing constrained turbo product codes (CTPCs) and constrained turbo block …

[SÁCH][B] Applications of constrained turbo block convolutional codes

SI Han - 2014 -
Serial concatenation can generate low complex powerful codes. Interleaver in a serially
concatenated code (SCC) plays a very important role in determining the performance …