[CARTE][B] Verification of Object-Oriented Software. The KeY Approach: Foreword by K. Rustan M. Leino

B Beckert, R Hähnle, PH Schmitt - 2007 - books.google.com
Long gone are the days when program veri? cation was a task carried out merely by hand
with paper and pen. For one, we are increasingly interested in proving actual program …

From declarative to imperative UML/OCL operation specifications

J Cabot - International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 2007 - Springer
An information system maintains a representation of the state of the domain in its Information
Base (IB). The state of the IB changes due to the execution of the operations defined in the …

Specification of invariability in OCL: Specifying invariable system parts and views

P Kosiuczenko - Software & Systems Modeling, 2013 - Springer
Abstract The Object Constraint Language (OCL) is a high-level, object-oriented language for
contractual system specifications. Despite its expressivity, OCL does not provide primitives …

Dynamic constraint satisfaction problems over models

Á Horváth, D Varró - Software & Systems Modeling, 2012 - Springer
In early phases of designing complex systems, models are not sufficiently detailed to serve
as an input for automated synthesis tools. Instead, a design space is constituted by multiple …

Workflow-driven tool integration using model transformations

A Balogh, G Bergmann, G Csertán, L Gönczy… - … and Model-Driven …, 2010 - Springer
The design of safety-critical systems and business-critical services necessitates to
coordinate between a large variety of tools used in different phases of the development …

Model-driven development of model transformations

P Van Gorp - International Conference on Graph Transformation, 2008 - Springer
The “model-driven development of model transformations” requires both a technique to
model model transformations as well as a means to transform transformation models …

Extracting frame conditions from operation contracts

P Niemann, F Hilken, M Gogolla… - 2015 ACM/IEEE 18th …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In behavioral modeling, operation contracts defined by pre-and postconditions describe the
effects on model properties (ie, model elements such as attributes, links, etc.) that are …

Specification of Invariability in OCL

P Kosiuczenko - International conference on model driven engineering …, 2006 - Springer
The paradigm of contractual specification provides a transparent way of specifying systems.
It clearly distinguishes between client and implementer obligations. One of the best known …

[PDF][PDF] Ambiguity issues in OCL postconditions

J Cabot - OCL workshop, 2006 - academia.edu
There are two different approaches to specify the behavior of the operations of an
Information System. In the imperative approach, the operation effect is defined by means of …

Realizing graph transformations by pre-and postconditions and command sequences

F Büttner, M Gogolla - International Conference on Graph Transformation, 2006 - Springer
This paper studies two realizations of graph transformations which are based on a UML
class diagram. The first realization achieves a representation in terms of descriptive pre-and …