Maintaining ecosystem function and services in logged tropical forests

DP Edwards, JA Tobias, D Sheil, E Meijaard… - Trends in ecology & …, 2014 -
Vast expanses of tropical forests worldwide are being impacted by selective logging. We
evaluate the environmental impacts of such logging and conclude that natural timber …

Global impacts of edge effects on species richness

JNG Willmer, T Puettker, JA Prevedello - Biological Conservation, 2022 - Elsevier
Almost all world's forest areas are predicted to be near edges by 2100, making the detection
and prediction of biodiversity responses to edges an urgent need. Yet, idiosyncratic …

Ecological drivers of global gradients in avian dispersal inferred from wing morphology

C Sheard, MHC Neate-Clegg, N Alioravainen… - Nature …, 2020 -
An organism's ability to disperse influences many fundamental processes, from speciation
and geographical range expansion to community assembly. However, the patterns and …

Morphological consequences of climate change for resident birds in intact Amazonian rainforest

V Jirinec, RC Burner, BR Amaral, RO Bierregaard Jr… - Science …, 2021 -
Warming from climate change is expected to reduce body size of endotherms, but studies
from temperate systems have produced equivocal results. Over four decades, we collected …

Global patterns and predictors of bird species responses to forest fragmentation: implications for ecosystem function and conservation

TP Bregman, CH Sekercioglu, JA Tobias - Biological Conservation, 2014 - Elsevier
The fragmentation of forests is a dominant human impact worldwide with major implications
for the conservation and management of ecosystems. Although many studies have …

Climate-driven variation in dispersal ability predicts responses to forest fragmentation in birds

TL Weeks, MG Betts, M Pfeifer, C Wolf… - Nature Ecology & …, 2023 -
Species sensitivity to forest fragmentation varies latitudinally, peaking in the tropics. A
prominent explanation for this pattern is that historical landscape disturbance at higher …

Slow response of plant species richness to habitat loss and fragmentation

A Helm, I Hanski, M Pärtel - Ecology letters, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
We examined the response of vascular plant species richness to long‐term habitat loss and
fragmentation of Estonian calcareous grasslands (alvars). The current number of habitat …

Recent advances in understanding migration systems of New World land birds

J Faaborg, RT Holmes, AD Anders… - Ecological …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Our understanding of migratory birds' year‐round ecology and evolution remains patchy
despite recent fundamental advances. Periodic reviews focus future research and inform …

Using avian functional traits to assess the impact of land-cover change on ecosystem processes linked to resilience in tropical forests

TP Bregman, AC Lees… - … of the Royal …, 2016 -
Vertebrates perform key roles in ecosystem processes via trophic interactions with plants
and insects, but the response of these interactions to environmental change is difficult to …

Experimental evidence for extreme dispersal limitation in tropical forest birds

RP Moore, WD Robinson, IJ Lovette… - Ecology letters, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Movements of organisms between habitat remnants can affect metapopulation structure,
community assembly dynamics, gene flow and conservation strategy. In the tropical …