Hybrid spintronic materials: Growth, structure and properties

W Liu, PKJ Wong, Y Xu - Progress in Materials Science, 2019 - Elsevier
Spintronics is an emergent interdisciplinary topic for the studies of spin-based, other than or
in addition to charge-only-based physical phenomena. Since the discovery of giant …

Slater-Pauling behavior and origin of the half-metallicity of the full-Heusler alloys

I Galanakis, PH Dederichs, N Papanikolaou - Physical Review B, 2002 - APS
Using the full-potential screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method we study the full-Heusler
alloys based on Co, Fe, Rh, and Ru. We show that many of these compounds show a half …

Interface effects in spin-polarized metal/insulator layered structures

JP Velev, PA Dowben, EY Tsymbal, SJ Jenkins… - Surface Science …, 2008 - Elsevier
Recent advances in thin-film deposition techniques, such as molecular beam epitaxy and
pulsed laser deposition, have allowed for the manufacture of heterostructures with nearly …

Atomic disorder effects on half-metallicity of the full-Heusler alloys A first-principles study

Y Miura, K Nagao, M Shirai - Physical Review B, 2004 - APS
We investigate the atomic disorder effects on the half-metallicity of the full-Heusler alloy Co 2
(Cr 1− x Fe x) Al from first principles by using the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method with the …

Role of structural defects on the half-metallic character of and Heusler alloys

S Picozzi, A Continenza, AJ Freeman - Physical Review B, 2004 - APS
Heusler alloys, such as Co 2 MnSi and Co 2 MnGe, have been predicted from first–
principles to be half metallic and potential candidates for spintronic applications. However …

First-principles calculation of the intersublattice exchange interactions and Curie temperatures of the full Heusler alloys

E Şaşıoğlu, LM Sandratskii, P Bruno - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter …, 2004 - APS
The interatomic exchange interactions and Curie temperatures in Ni-based full Heusler
alloys Ni 2 Mn X with X= Ga, In, Sn, and Sb are studied within the framework of the density …

Magnetic, structural, and transport properties of the Heusler alloys and NiMnSb

L Ritchie, G **ao, Y Ji, TY Chen, CL Chien, M Zhang… - Physical Review B, 2003 - APS
We report on structural, magnetic, transport, and spin-polarization measurements of the
Heusler alloys Co 2 MnSi and NiMnSb. Laue diffraction patterns confirm the single-crystal …

Correlation in the transition-metal-based Heusler compounds and

HC Kandpal, GH Fecher, C Felser… - Physical Review B …, 2006 - APS
Half-metallic ferromagnets, such as the Heusler compounds with formula X 2 YZ, are
expected to show an integer value for the spin magnetic moment. In contrast to experiments …

Presence of antisite disorder and its characterization in the predicted half-metal

MP Raphael, B Ravel, Q Huang, MA Willard, SF Cheng… - Physical Review B, 2002 - APS
Abstract The Heusler alloy Co 2 MnSi is predicted to be a half-metallic ferromagnet and thus
is considered a promising candidate for incorporation into spintronic devices. Recent …

Ab initio prediction of half-metallic properties for the ferromagnetic Heusler alloys Co2MSi (M= Ti, V, Cr)

XQ Chen, R Podloucky, P Rogl - Journal of applied physics, 2006 - pubs.aip.org
By means of density functional calculations, the magnetic and electronic properties and
phase stabilities of the Heusler compounds Co 2 M Si (with M= Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni⁠) …