Policy analysis in Canada: The state of the art

L Dobuzinskis, DH Laycock, M Howlett - 2007 - books.google.com
The growth of what some academics refer to as' the policy analysis movement'represents an
effort to reform certain aspects of government behaviour. The policy analysis movement is …

Policy analytical capacity: The supply and demand for policy analysis in government

M Howlett - Policy and Society, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract “Policy analytical capacity” is an important component of overall policy capacity,
bringing together individual level analytical skills (competencies) and resources …

Rationality in decision-and policy-making: implications for strategic environmental assessment

L Kørnøv, WAH Thissen - Impact assessment and project appraisal, 2000 - Taylor & Francis
A proper integration of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) into policy-making
processes is considered critical to the success of SEA. Most of the work in SEA seems to be …

Actor analysis methods and their use for public policy analysts

LM Hermans, WAH Thissen - European Journal of Operational Research, 2009 - Elsevier
Public policy analysts use methods rooted in OR and systems analysis to support policy
makers in their judgement. In doing so, most policy analysts recognize the value of a certain …

Weighting and valuation in selected environmental systems analysis tools–suggestions for further developments

S Ahlroth, M Nilsson, G Finnveden, O Hjelm… - Journal of Cleaner …, 2011 - Elsevier
In environmental systems analysis tools like Life Cycle Assessment, strategic environmental
assessment, cost–benefit analysis and environmental management systems, results need to …

Policy analysis and policy work in federal systems: Policy advice and its contribution to evidence-based policy-making in multi-level governance systems

M Howlett, J Newman - Policy and Society, 2010 - academic.oup.com
In most cases, policy scholars interested in the role of policy analysts in promoting and
practicing evidence-based policy-making rely on very partial survey results, or on anecdotal …

Policy analysts in the bureaucracy revisited: The nature of professional policy work in contemporary government

M Howlett, AM Wellstead - Politics & Policy, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Thirty‐five years ago Arnold Meltsner observed that professional policy analysts in the US
government undertook several roles in the policy‐making process, the most common of …

Policy analysis and governance: Analytical and policy styles in Canada

M Howlett, E Lindquist - Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis …, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
The policy analysis movement revolves around the idea that a generic analytic toolkit can be
productively applied to substantive policy problems, but different patterns of policy analysis …

Ten insolvable dilemmas of participation and why foresight has to deal with them

R Van der Helm - Foresight, 2007 - emerald.com
Purpose–Arguably the most distinguishing characteristic of the current rise of foresight for
dealing with the long term is the explicit mention and involvement of actors and actor …

The relevance of participatory approaches in integrated environmental assessment

M Hisschemöller, RSJ Tol, P Vellinga - Integrated assessment, 2001 - Springer
Integrated environmental assessment is a booming field. Its intellectual challenges, its
relevance for real life problems, and its generous financial support have attracted many …